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93 Reviews

Chypre, Musky, Woody. Designed in 1975, Halston for women is a refreshing, woody, mossy fragrance. It's fragrant nature explores essences of spearmint, peach and cedarwood. Blended with notes of carnation, marigold, amber, incense, patchouli and vetiver. Halston is recommended as a evening fragrance.

100 ml COL Spray
SKU 0990
$81.79 $44.15
46% Add To Cart

Chypre, Musky, Woody. Designed in 1975, Halston for women is a refreshing, woody, mossy fragrance. It's fragrant nature explores essences of spearmint, peach and cedarwood. Blended with notes of carnation, marigold, amber, incense, patchouli and vetiver. Halston is recommended as a evening fragrance.

  • BRIAN01/12/2017


  • PAULINE01/17/2014

    It was wonderful. Smelt great.

  • DR03/01/2012

    I love this green chypre, with first notes of mint and warm amber-wood notes in the base

  • ANIA W12/08/2011

    The old Halston still exists but it is important not to buy the alcohol free one, which is oily and doesn't have the depth of scent. I noticed this when my Aunt from the US sent me some. If you purchase the alcohol one, which is still available you'll smell the difference.

  • CYNTHI08/18/2011

    Has anyone found a good replacement scent for "OLD" Halston?

  • CHARLENE01/22/2011

    I really thought I was going crazy the last time I bought this. The scent was totally different from the original which I wore and loved for years. The new "stinks" literally.

  • SUSAN07/07/2010

    I agree with the sentiments of other posters here. I loved the original Halston's perfume. The so-called "new and improved" versions are horrible. Spiciness and muskiness became "in" so they tinkered with a scent that was already scrumptious the way it was. Please bring back the original Halstons and I would buy a bottle in an instant. (If I had known it was being pulled off the market I would have stocked up too)!

  • BRENDA05/03/2010

    Best there is! Please bring it back, I am on my last container...

  • JO ANN02/09/2010

    Please bring back the original scent from the 70's. My husband fell in love with the way I smelled, then fell in love with me. The newer fragrance is so off, with an odd sour smell. I wasted money twice on the newer versions. Even the amber color is different. I wish I had hoarded the older version...had I known they were going to change the formula.To rate the product now, would be ..horrible.

  • KAREN01/29/2010

    I've been wearing Halston since 1978. Love it! I've lost a couple bottles when the plastic ring around the neck of the bottle came off... the bottle crashed to the floor and the sprayer broke. No way to get the perfume out of the bottle at that point. I finally got smart ;) and now when I get a new bottle, I immediately wrangle the plastic ring off and then hot glue it back on. No more problems, but you'd think they'd have done something about this problem as I've seen many people have the same problem.

  • MK12/31/2009

    I have worn Halston Natural Spray Cologne since the late 70s and it was the only fragrance that I would wear. It was clean and fresh smelling. I would get stopped in the mall, at work, etc. and told how good I smelled. They stopped carrying it in the department stores and now it does not smell the same. I bought a bottle from an online retailer and I thought that it was just old and rancid. I have bought two other bottles from two separate stores and the smell is the same (old and odd smelling). I won't wear this new formulation. They have ruined a classic fragrance. I miss the original scent. I would buy it in a heartbeat if they brought it back.

  • VBK11/27/2009

    anyone know where to find the body oil fragrance by Halston?

  • SUSAN11/25/2009

    I miss the Vintage Halstons perfume soooo much! This reformulated scent is horrible. Very musky/spicy to me. The original was light and fresh/clean. I loved putting it on after my shower. I won't wear this reformulated #$%#*&$%. I hope the original is brought back on the market. I would buy it in an instant!

  • JEANNE RILEY10/29/2009

    I too have been searching for this product, did they quit making it? It has been the best antiperspirant deoderant I have used and I cannot find it anywhere.

  • SARA ANN04/27/2009

    I have bought the spray at TJ Max and it was not the same. It was an oil. I would love to have the gel and the lotion. The real Halston is wonderful.

  • KATHLEEN ROMMEL03/31/2009

    Please Bring Halston Nights Back. I remember you could get all the products at Renbergs in Tulsa, Oklahoma. PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU FIND IT 918-665-2566

  • RUFFDAWG01/27/2009

    This scent has been reformulated & it doesn't smell like the original fragrance very much at all anymore. I give vintage Halston 5 stars, I give re-formulated Halston 1 star. Halston used to smell green & mossy, and then develop into a deep, warm, incense, musky, peppery, soft, yet intense aroma, now it smells more pink & flowery and pretty much stays that way until it fades into a musty, cheap dime store perfume scent. It now has a weird, strong, synthetic floral scent throughout (smells like fake violets and lilacs to me) & the dry-down is ghastly, cheap and "old", very musty smelling, nothing like the original formulation. Don't believe me? Get your hands on a vintage "pre-Arden reformulation" bottle & you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. I have many vintage bottles of Halston cologne and parfum which are still fresh and smell wonderful. There's a HUGE difference in the scent available today, even the color of the fragrance has been tweaked to a lighter more acceptable "prettier" color, all of this to try to make it sell better to a younger generation. Also, the bottle has (slightly) changed as well to a much cheaper lower quality bottle that's shaped a little different. They've definitely ruined a classic. Halston himself would be horrified!

  • JB05/29/2008

    The scent has been tweeked/reformulated. If you have, or can get a hold of a vintage bottle, compare it to the stuff thats for sale today, there's a HUGE difference! I LOVED Halston, but the new stuff smells bad, really cheap & I cant & wont wear it. I dont know what they did to it, but now it smells way more flowery & a little bit like hairspray, and the deep, intense drydown of the original is gone. The drydown of the new version smells synthetic & weird, like chemicals. Also the color of the cologne has been changed along with slight variations to the bottles. I have bought & used the original Halston for many, many years & Ive saved up a stock pile of the vintage Halston cologne & parfum, I have many bottles, that have been properly stored and cared for, so I know that my stash hasnt gone bad, its the new stuff for sale that has gone bad. My rating is 5 stars for vintage Halston, 1 star for the reformulated version.

  • SHIRLS02/16/2008

    I have bought this fragrance continually since 1978 and the original scent has never changed.

  • ME02/14/2008

    I just bought the 3.4 oz spray and a 6.7 oz body lotion at TJMaxx on the clearance for $14.00!!! I love this and it takes me back to High School. It was great then and still is!

  • SANDIE02/03/2008

    I have loved this fragrance for years!!!!!! I am having a problem finding the body creme (not lotion). Anyone know where I might find it?

  • TRISH12/10/2007

    I started wearing Halston in 1978 and continue to only wear this perfume everday.

  • PAT11/22/2007

    I started wearing Halston the year it was introduced. I haven't worn any other scent since. Everyone comments upon it and I love the fragrance.

  • VAL11/13/2007

    I wore this fragrance in my 20's. Purchased a small bottle today and forgot how elegant and rich this smells. This works well with my body chemistry, the dry down is very pleasant and this is not overpowering to me.

  • LAUREN 11/03/2007

    In 1978 my boyfriend gave me a bottle of this. I used to dance at Studio 54 in NYC and saw Halston there often and admired him and his fashions. Well, this scent disappoited me. At first the floral is clean and inviting, on me all you smell is a faded floral with moldy mossy top notes. I must have odd chemistry. Try before you buy. After my '78 experience I don't go near this.

  • SANDRA IRELAND10/17/2007

    I have been wearing Halston Perfume since 1979 when I discovered it while living in Alabama, USA. Now I live in Prince Edward Canada, AND I can not get it..and the largest retailer here will not order it in for me BECAUSE the buyers/inventory computers do not have high enough numbers. So I have to buy via on-line, and pay about $25 extra for all the fees associated with wearing the most beautiful perfume imaginable! I am complimented even by the "we-don't-wear-fragrances" crowd..they especially seem to like it. How can I sing the praises? By wearing it, and buying it when I have the opportunity. So come on...let us promote the fragrance in Canada.. it is perfect for our Island way of life!! This is one perfume that deserves all the praise and highest ratings..20 stars out of 5!!!!. Sandra Ireland.. resident of Prince Edward Island..

  • JULIE BELLE09/17/2007

    What a fabulous old fragrance. I'm from Australia and it was very hard to get for years. I have two bottles Halston and Halston sheer and they are still wonderful and I get comments about both fragrances every time I wear them. Still the best..

  • JUDI W*07/30/2007

    I wore this fragrance at 20, and would wear it now, if they didn't tweak it. It was a sexy, different kind of scent. It isn't what is popular now, (not fruity) but it is feminine & sassy.

  • NANCY07/03/2007

    I love Halston. I have worn it everyday for years. I too, want to lodge a complaint about the neck of the bottle. I have more than half a bottle of perfume and no way to get it out.

  • BARBARA W07/01/2007

    I haven't sampled this again yet (my list of "perfumes to try" is getting way too long!), but as soon as I do, I'll get back to you. I know exactly what you mean about our favorite classics being tweaked - and not for the better! Cheaper, synthetic ingredients and mass marketing are to blame, I think. Perfume used to be regarded as a special luxury and were painstakingly produced by fine perfume houses, but now everyone - from celebrities to sportswear companies - is in the game. Very sad, really...

  • MELANIE 06/10/2007

    I have been wearing Halston since I was 13. That's been over 30 years ago!!!! I never tire of it and it's still as refreshing as the day I started wearing it.

  • JONNA04/28/2007

    This perfume is old but good. I am very young (only 31) so a scent like this should be too old for me. It is not. I wear this well and so will any real woman. Not for the meek. It is sensual and lovely. Very womanly and unique.

  • MISS KIM04/09/2007

    A lot of people have said that Halston is an older person's fragrance, but I have to disagree. I'm 24 and I've been wearing Halston since I was 14. I discovered it through my Mum. Back in the 70's when she and my dad were dating she smelled it on a cocktail waitress at a club and had to have it. It has such a unique, classic smell; I never get tired of it. I don't wear it during the daytime in summer, though. It's just a little too intense for the hot Florida days in the summertime. I wear different, lighter fragrances in the summer, but I always end up getting tired of them and having to switch around. I can't imagine ever getting tired of Halston.

  • JUDI W*03/01/2007

    I wore this alot throughout the years, (loved it) and I purchased it recently, and noticed it doesn't smell exactly the same to me. Smells less natural & sexy, more artificial, but does still have similar scent. On another perfume forum, someone else noticed a change too. Try it & tell me what ya think? Perfume companies think they can change a couple of notes or take something natural & replace it with a synthetic, and we won't notice?

  • BARBARA W02/22/2007

    I loved this in the early 80s...I haven't smelled it recently (so I may not like it anymore!), but I remember it being spicy and sophisticated. Maybe, just for fun, I'll buy a little bottle and revisit it....

  • TANINHA BRAZIL12/18/2006

    dear sylvie , halston is a very refined and lady like fragrance ...and so , not fit for the younger crowd ... i was about 17 when i first smelled it ... and hated it right away .... now at the age of 36 ... i see it as a wonderful womanly fragrance ... have not worn it much ... but it does have plenty of star quality ... 5 stars for sure !!!!

  • MELINDA12/16/2006

    Hi! I've run out of perfume. Where can I purchase a large size bottle? I've been wearing Halston since the early 80's. I love it.

  • MICHELE12/10/2006

    where can i find this product, the store i used to get it from doesn't carry it anymore

  • CHRISTINA 12/06/2006

    There are only 2 fragrances I can wear and Halston is my first choice... I just wish they would fix the bottle so the neck piece doesnt come off when you pick it up

  • MARILYN R AREHART11/18/2006

    I've been wearing it since 1975 and won't change. It's difficult to find but worth the hunt.

  • LISA10/09/2006

    I got halston as a gift when I was 15...I wore it everyday till the bottle was done I thought it was okay but I didn't love it...a little too chypre/sharp strong for me...i then switched to oscar and paris which I did love and suited me more...i think you need to have the right personality for's a very sofisticated, strong and confident scent for a woman who's not afraid to speak her mind...I was too young for it at the time but I had good taste! It smells great on a career woman in her 30's or 40's.

  • HILDY21909/26/2006

    I agree - the eighties are back and I LOVED Halston Nights - Please Please Please Bring it BACK!!!!

  • TINA ZAMORA08/27/2006

    I too started wearing Halston Night in the 80's. It was my favorite until it was discontinued. Could someone out there tell me why and if Halston plans to bring it back?

  • TAWNI BURGESS08/27/2006

    Hi Dee, I came to this site to look for the same thing. I was never a big perfume person until i fell in love with Halston Night and they soon stopped making it. [email protected]

  • DEE08/21/2006

    What ever happened to Halston Nights? I loved it back in early 80's.

  • SYLVIE08/16/2006

    Hi Kathy, Halston has no similarity to spicy-oriental Obsession! I love both!!! Here a description: Halston by Halston for Women. Year Introduced: 1975!!! (an oldie!!!!) Scent Type: Chypre - Floral. Top Notes: Melon, greens, peach, bergamot, spearmint, tagetes. Heart Notes: Jasmine, rose, cedarwood, orris, carnation, marigold, ylang-ylang. Base Notes: Vetiver, amber, patchouli, musk, sandalwood, incense, moss. "The signature fragrance from American fashion designer Halston is a distinctive fragrance, a rosy chypre floral blend. The fragrance opens with energizing green notes supported by smooth fruity essences of melon and peach, followed by a classic French floral bouquet resting on an ambery base of patchouli, sandalwood, and oakmoss. A touch of incense spices up the musky finish. Easy to wear, easy to enjoy. The simple elegance of Halston lives on in his classic fragrance. "© Okay, Kathy, try it if you like. I can highly recommend Halston. I think it's no fragrance for young ladies, and absolutely no fun fragrance! It's a special Chypre - not every woman can wear this exquisite fragrance with success. It's no mainstream fragrance, but therefore very classy and elegant. Happy sniffing, Sylvie.

  • KATHY08/16/2006

    I bought this one and returned it the very next day. It is too strong and woodsy smelling. Nope...not for me.

  • KATHY08/10/2006

    Can any one tell me if this smells anything like Obsession?? Because, if it does, I want no part of it. Thanks.

  • SKYBLUE06/29/2006

    I LOVE this perfume... my sisters started wearing in the 70s and it brings back such good memories.

  • JUDI W*01/15/2006

    My best friend & I wore Halston about 30 years ago all of the time. She still does from time to time. I use to spray it on my old boyfriend's pillow & sheets when I use to leave, and he told me he used to "go crazy" smelling me the rest of the night. He loved it, said it smelled sexy. Now that I'm alot older, I'm not as crazy about it as I was when I was 22, but it still is pretty and different. My best friend used to mix it with Patchouli Oil.

  • A GREEN12/30/2005

    This is a very lovely fragrance very sophisticated smell. I love sophisticated smelling perfumes. My Aunt wears this perfume she adores it.She has worn it for years smells very nice on her.

  • RYAN T12/16/2005

    An old girlfriend of mine wore this and my wife recently got turned onto it. When it is worn, it reminds me of bounce dryer sheets. It wouldn't hurt anyone to smell like bounce. Recommended.

  • FRAN11/18/2005

    I too have worn Halston since 1975 in H.S. I have tried countless other fragrances but always come back to Halston. It's the best!!

  • CYD11/04/2005

    The teardrop bottle was designed by his friend (and Tiffany jewelry designer) Elsa Peretti. I have the necklace, with smaller versions of the same teardrop shapes, done in 18kt. gold, circa 1975, for Tiffany & Co. Best, Cyd

  • KATHY Z.09/30/2005

    I had tried halston when I was much younger--and didn't like it at all. But lately I have come to appreciate chypre scents and now I find Halston heavenly. Go figure. I can see why so many women have worn this for so many years. It's just a rich, classy fragrance. Maybe I 've learned a few things with age. A timeless, beautfiul scent.

  • KATHY ANNE09/09/2005

    I have worn Halston since 1975. I love it and if I ever try changing scents, my husband and sons are immediately up in arms because I don't smell like "Mom". Sometimes a scent is simply classic and timeless - and that defines Halston.

  • ANNE08/09/2005

    I have worn this scent since I was in high school. I try other fragrences from time to time, but always, always return to my first love, Halston.

  • KATHY04/19/2005

    Hello. To all those who said the bottle looks like a pacifier -- please. It's the Halston "Bean". I love this cologne ever since my big sister brought it home from Marshall Field's in Chicago in '75. It is the ultimate in sophistication and smells fantastic. I always come back to it.

  • BEBE03/04/2005

    born in the 70's. an aged woodset smell. loveliness.hate the bottle looks lika pacifer. very nice perfume.

  • DANIELLE DUBOIS02/21/2005

    I can't find this perfume anywhere. The last bottle I found on the Internet was at "CASA DE Parfums." Now, even they don't have it - the only thing I see everywhere is the cologne. I'm looking for a minimum of 1 oz bottle; where can I get this?

  • DEONNE02/12/2005

    This is one of two of my everyday scents. I've been wearing Halston since highschool (a long, long, time ago) and it is still one of my favs. And to this day, men comment on my perfume. I've been told many, many times that it is a very sexy scent to them. I buy Halston when my cashflow is low - knowing that I will enjoy the scent myself, as well as others.

  • BEVERLY12/31/2004

    Is there a difference in the scent of Halston and Halston Couture, or just a different bottle?

  • SHARRIE12/20/2004

    likeable. the bottle reminds me of a pacifer. good. dance to the beat of a differant drummer.

  • SHARRIE12/17/2004

    an unusaual perfume but hate the bottle, great, another classic winner of mine, timeless

  • KIMBERLY12/13/2004

    God i love this stuff! My mom has been wearing it for years, and everytime I see her or hug her i can smell it and it smells so good. Great Perfume.

  • SHARRIE12/06/2004

    a very speacil ble nd of notes, muskyan d sexy, i wear it to bed, the body lotion is exquisite i wear it before i go to the gym and before sleep


    Used to love it, but its too heavey now

  • LYNNBEE10/15/2004

    When this perfume came out and lots of people wore it, it made the homeliest women seem sexy - isn't that what a lot of people want from perfume? Now it seems a bit too '80's but it's still good for going out at night in dressy clothes

  • LAUERMAR09/09/2004

    I guess a fragrance is considered old, heavy and dated if it isn't tutti-fruity, soapy-clean, scent-free, or smelling like dirt and dandelions. I'll leave Barbie, Mary Kate & Ashley, Britney, Paris Hilton, and J-Lo to all the Generation-Y types! If their perfume tastes last more than a year, it will be a miracle. Halston has been around since 1975. I'll take the sophistication and class of Halston any day. This scent requires mature taste.

  • MARTIE07/28/2004

    I think I wore this in middle school or something. Heaven knows why. Now when I smell it, it smells like mens' cologne. JMO

  • MARCO02/11/2004

    This has been around for a long time, but every woman smells amazing in it. It's inexpensive, but smells like a million dollars!

  • HAZEL EYES02/08/2004

    Well so be it. Halston perfume and I have been dating for a long long time. The relationship is aging very well, and I hope we grow old together!

  • SYLVIE01/23/2004

    Yes!!! This famous HALSTON is one of the world's best and finest perfumes. A W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L and unforgettable fragrance!!! Very classy and sooo elegant. And so 'old-fashioned' too :-))

  • LLL01/05/2004

    I get so, so many compliments when I wear this. People stop me with glazed looks in their eyes, practically panting and drooling, asking me with trembling voices what I perfume am wearing. OK, I am exaggerating a little, but people seem almost hypnotized by this scent when I wear it. It's funny, because it is a rather unassuming fragrance, and, yes, it is an older one. But it works well, for me at least, and I own many newer, trendier perfumes as well as the older classics. Who cares when a perfume was launched if its chemistry works for you?

  • MK12/19/2003

    I have been wearing Halston for over 25 years and I love it. I still get stopped by men and women telling me that I smell great.

  • MS. MICHAEL BATTISTI11/27/2003

    It has been my favorite since 1978. I love it and everyone loves it on me it is the only thing I wear. Problem is the stores in this area are discontinuing it,Why??? I hope my children are able to find it for Christmas, they had a very hard time finding it for my Birthday. Please Help

  • CHRISSY11/25/2003

    This is another one of those scents that in its day was fantastic. But for some reason it just seems too much now. I dont know how that happens to some scents and others can become a classic. But this is almost offensive to me..sorry.

  • CARY11/24/2003

    I've been used the perfume for 20 years and for me is the best

  • MURKI10/21/2003

    Love vintage Halston clothes and this is just as good. It reminds me of Niki de Saint Phalle which I used to wear. Does anyone else agree? The actual parfum is a lighter color and I don't think it would stain clothes.

  • DANIELLA07/08/2003

    This perfume smells wonderful, but it has stained my lighter-colored clothes. If the formula were clear in color (instead of orange), I'd definitely use it again.

  • GOLDENLADY05/07/2003

    I used to love and wear Halston when it first came out, but the heaviness of the fragrance got to me, even back then, and I never purchased a second bottle. Now, I prefer MUCH lighter fragrances and would never consider wearing this again. It was a superbly crafted fragrance, though. A classic, just not for ME!!!

  • LLOZ02/15/2003

    I do like this fragrance. It is classic and subtle if you dont overindulge. The great thing now is you can buy it in the drug store. The price is excellant.

  • FELICIA B02/10/2003

    I can honestly say that this is my ALL-time favorite cologne. I have been wearing this fragrence since 1979, after I started dating my husband, so I have very fond memories attached to this perfume. As I get older ,I love that sublte, classy scent.

  • PAIGE02/04/2003

    A boy in jr. high gave me Halston for the first time 25 years ago. I've worn nothing else since. I love this stuff.

  • TIA02/03/2003

    yeah, my mom wore halston which is how I first discovered it. Of all her perfumes, halston is the one I would sneak, mmmm... I mean enjoy the most. :) This is not my signature scent (that belongs to perry ellis) but I definitely enjoy a dash of halston.....

  • KATHLEEN01/01/2003

    Opened this as a present...was so unhappy and hated it...too strong and smelled just awful...returned it and bought a pretty perfume...

  • RITA12/10/2002

    You can get lotion and shower gel on hsn in set with 1.7 oz cologne spray.

  • DAYLE11/11/2002

    OK. Old people do wear it. So does my 24 year old neice in Vet School. I remember once I was pulled over by a policeman for supposedly running a stop sign. He got a smell of my Halston, and just gave me a warning. "I cant give a ticket to a girl wearing Halston". Men love it. I love it. Woodsy and warm and settles into your chemistry so well....if you have the right chemistry. Isnt that so with all scents, tho?

  • JENNIFER10/04/2002

    They still make this? This is SO 80's. Everyone that I met was wearing this in the 80's. It wasn't all that great back then. I haven't seen this for a while, I thought it no longer existed. It's not awful or anything, just very dated. For people stuck in the 80's I guess.

  • MARY09/25/2002

    Can someone help? I've tried searching everywhere for the orginal fragrance Halston used to have. Can not find anywhere. I'm told they no longer make it. That was my all time favorite. Pleas help if you can. [email protected]

  • ALLISON07/26/2002

    This one isn't too bad. It's more for older people. I guess if you are over 30 you can wear it. It's kind of strong though. Probably better on older women.

  • BETH07/15/2002

    I have been using Halston since 1979. It is my very favorite. I have tried many different fragrances. But I always return to Halston. It is like my signiture scent. I always get nice complimens when I wear it.

  • A.06/03/2002

    In my opinion, really good perfume evolves as you wear it, elevating your own natural chemistry to a unique and ever-changing projection of luscious fragrance. You get that in Halston. I really like it.

  • BRIAN05/27/2002

    my girlfriend started to first wear this and I fell in love with it! It is the perfect perfume and one of the best on women I have ever smelled.

  • MAGGIEMAE02/17/2002

    I used to wear Halston in the 70s and loved it then. Has lots of good memories for me.

  • ELAINE01/18/2002

    I've been wearing Halston for over 25 years and still think it's the best fragrance fit for me. I've tried many others but they just don't live up to warm, sexy scent of Halston. My daughters used to love wearing my sweaters because they smelled like me. That's the nicest compliment I've ever had. Even nicer than my husband's compliments.


    They had a 1 ounce bottle and lotion and all the sets were 1.2 off which broght it to like 8.50

  • ALICIA ADRIAN11/23/2001

    Desperately looking for Halston roll-on deodorant for women. Used to get it at JC Penneys...

  • LORI C.11/16/2001

    Halston is second only to Aromatics Elixer by Clinique.

  • PERFUMELOVER10/27/2001

    have seen halston bath products very recently at TJ MAXX. ihave seen bath gel, lotion, cream, and powder, but unfortunately no deodorant so far, or shampoo or conditioner.

  • SJ10/19/2001

    Does anyone know where I can find Halston shampoo and conditioner? I loved them! Thanks!

  • DONNA09/06/2001

    jc penney's

  • DEBBIE08/26/2001

    I found a 3 oz halston spray at pick n save for 10.00. They had many more.

  • STEPHANIE J07/26/2001

    Where can I find Halston Body powder?

  • STEPHANIE07/09/2001

    You can find Wind Song at Wal-Mart; they usually have all kinds of products, powder, etc.

  • MARY ANN03/21/2001

    Am trying to find Windsong EDP or cologne by Prince Matchabelli, I believe. Email:[email protected]

  • CKPSTAR02/06/2001

    Can't find Halston Deodorant - my mother has been using for years - would like to find a place to purchase

  • PAM01/09/2001

    I am looking for halsotn for women. The splash not the spray.

  • ELAINE12/30/2000

    The trick is finding the perfume in the original little bottle. Does anyone know where to locate that?

  • SW12/05/2000

    Where can I find this?

  • DONNA12/05/2000

    I can find the perfume... and body lotion... but I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THE BATH GEL anymore... I have been purchasing Halston since the late 70's even the make up... I can't seem to find but the perfume and lotion... please help.. email me at [email protected]

  • VICKI11/28/2000

    Where can I find Halston body lotion and shower gel?

  • KATHY09/05/2000

    Where can I find other Halston products such as deodorant, body lotion?

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