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Emeraude Coty Image



73 Reviews

Launched by the design house of Coty in 1921 and is recommended for evening wear. This feminine scent possesses a blend of jasmine, orange, and other citrus florals. Ending with spices and sandalwood.

75 ml COL Spray
SKU 4891
¥4,518.54 ¥3,893.74
14% Add To Cart

Launched by the design house of Coty in 1921 and is recommended for evening wear. This feminine scent possesses a blend of jasmine, orange, and other citrus florals. Ending with spices and sandalwood.

  • BARBARA OEHM12/14/2011

    One of the "old" smells. Just lovely. It lasts a long time as well. All the Coty perfumes are lovely. Lets hear it for the old stuff!!! - most of the new ones on the market today are awful.


    As the stuff they're trying to sell as Emeraude is evil stuff- pure alcohol with undertones of vomit. Bears only the most remote resemblance to what it used to be. The vintage juice is citrusy powdery with sandalwood- definitely a relative to Shalimar. Really beautiful if you can get your hands on the powder as well. Rating is what generally is available now.


    this cream is the only stuff that dosent make me snese, i really like the smell of it and so dose my wife of 50 years,please continue making it available for us to use thank you jim....

  • ANNIE10/07/2010

    The current stuff sold as Emeraude is pretty awful. I found a bottle of vintage parfum de toilette one ebay, and it is gorgeous, gorgeous. I wish they still made it like that. I'm just giving an "average" rating which is an average of my ratings for the two formulas: Excellent for vintage, and Horrible for current.

  • MARY ANNE08/23/2010

    When I was in my teens, I had a tall bottle of Emeraude that was a creamy perfume. I would love to be able to find it again.

  • MEG06/05/2010

    I have used Emeraude since I was 16; am now 62 and still wearing it. It's light, beautiful and not at all overwhelming. People tell me all the time that my perfume smells fantastic.

  • DENI04/23/2010

    Perfume is different on different people. What is sweet and floral on some, is bitter and nasty on others. I am one of the lucky ones, Emeraude is perfect on my skin. I've wore it off and on over the years, and keep coming back to it.

  • SARAH06/02/2009


  • BEVERLY D. WATIE03/19/2009

    Looking for Emeraude creamy skin perfume for the longest, only can find cologne or powder.

  • FLORA03/10/2009

    Emeraude in my opinion is a perfect fragrance for daily use. It is soft and feminine. It is good value for the price and is one of the best drugstore fragrances out there. Of course it may not be in the same league as say YSL or Dior but I don't want to wear those fragrances daily. I hope Coty keeps making this fragrance for a long time.

  • JANE11/19/2008


  • KAITLIN11/03/2008

    This has been discontinued in the Uk so have to purchase from America. It suits my skin, as I cant wear anything modern with a musk base. ( have recieved compensation from Harrods, London, when an assistant sprayed a perfume on me without permisssion.... it STANK on my skin, although it was a very expensive perfume) I freely admit though, that not everyone can wear this perfume.

  • DIXIE LANE08/10/2008

    Sweet Baby Jesus I thought they done away with this stuff decades ago. It smells like a funeral home. I'd beat somebody like a rented mule if they bought me this here stuff.

  • SWOOZIE07/08/2008

    Many I smelt some horrible stench coming from the mexican grocery the other day and found out it was this stuff. Somebody done busted a bottle of this crudola and God Good Almighty it was this here concoction. Man this stuff would wake the dead. It's powerful stuff I'll tell ya right now.


    This would probably make a good incendiary weapon. Light the top and toss into a riot-BOOM! Flame and tear gas! Excellent crowd control- not sure about using as a cologne, though. This has got to be one of the oldest and most outdated and out of style cologne there is. There is only ONE way to make this bottled acid smell good- apply in the morning and let it wear off over the course of the day. Once you don't smell it anymore take a wet paper towel and rub it over where you applied it. It actually has a pleasant powdery smell! Doing this I actually recieved compliments! Still, I feel that is too much work to make a horrid cologne smell good. But for its ability to eventually smell good I give it 2 stars. I honestly have smelled worse- like Fendi . Couldn't Coty update their scents or have they discontinued and these nasty bottles are just years of leftovers? Beats me. Lets just give this stuff a rest!

  • MARY STONE06/05/2008

    Man this is rank, I sprayed it today on my wrist at a gas station. OOO-Boy Nasty! No wonder people don't steal this stuff.

  • DIXIE03/12/2008

    Yikes I thought they pulled this mustard gas years ago. I remember this trainwreck from the 70's, it was gross even back then. No Thank Ya!

  • ANNIE02/12/2008

    I have to be in the mood for Emeraude. It's either godawful or very nice, one extreme or the other, to my nose, and I suppose for me that depends on time of month, hormones, diet, season - in my opinion it def. smells better in summer. I'm feeling particularly sensitive to synthetic scents right now, so cannot do Emeraude. I just tried it this morning, and it had a powdery medicinal quality overlying a synthetic harshness. A real scrubber this morning. I would love to try the vintage juice one day to compare.

  • AIMEE01/01/2008

    Reminiscent of Shalimar but a classic on its own. Price tag means nothing. If we took the juice out of the bottles and lined up the fragrances in plain-wrapper vials, we'd probably all wear different scents!

  • CONNIE12/30/2007

    This pretty bad, I used to try to like it back in high school, but couldn't get past the powdery chemical smell. I hate smelling this on anyone. Its defintely a people repellent.

  • JEAN12/06/2007

    Perhaps you should buy a car and drive by yourself! Most perfumes these days give me a headache. Emeraude is one of the very few that doesn't and actually smells good.

  • JEAN12/06/2007

    This is one of only 3 perfumes I've ever worn where I have received compliments from friends and even from complete strangers and one of the few that I can wear that smell good on me. I cannot stand most of the modern fragrances that are being invented. Emeraude is my all-time favorite and a classic!

  • BARBARA W07/15/2007

    This was the perfume of a favorite aunt of mine, who died suddenly when she was only forty. It smelled gorgeous on her. I can see how this could easily get awful with over-application, but some women pull this off beautifully. My aunt was one of those women! I'll always associate Emeraude with her.

  • ANNIE05/16/2007

    All joking aside (and I do appreciate the posts about Grandma, which I believe are tongue-in-cheek if not completely fictitious, and I was laughing so hard at the first one that I had tears in my eyes reading it out loud to my husband), I have fallen for Emeraude. I just bought a small bottle in a drugstore, and I love the way it smells. It does go through this weird phase where it smells like a bandaid that's been dusted with baby powder, but that gives way to a truly lovely dry down. It's a little bit like Shalimar, but brighter, a bit drier, and just different, too. I imagine this was great stuff in its day, esp. in parfum form. How amazing that you can still buy this in a drugstore. A bit of perfume history. Chemistry varies, of course, but I think Emeraude smells great on me. I can't stop sniffing my wrists. But I love that first top note best of all, so I keep sniffing the cap, too. :-)

  • SANDY03/12/2007

    It never ceases to amaze me how people on these message boards (many of whom can't even spell the simplest words) can use such ugly language to describe a fragrance. One wonders why they are so unhappy. This particular fragrance is soft and lovely on some, myself included, and has proven itself over the years. Some fragrances are just better on certain people. Many of the modern fragrances smell strongly of alcohol to me but I certainly don't describe them with such vehemence. Grow up, ladies (and gentlemen).

  • JIMMY MELLVILLE03/02/2007

    Well we started this year out like anyother trip with Grandma. She promised no Emerude. Well she didn't wear it but you'd never know it since she found its equal in Elizabeth Taylors Emeralds and Diamonds. Its the same vile poison as Emerude. You cannot tell them apart. So again we had to decontaminate her at a Motel and go on. My wife had her put on some Cherry Blossom concoction from Bath and Body Works it was somewhat better.

  • HARLEY-MAMA12/01/2006

    I too agree this is GOOD juice! My mom, grandma and mother-in-law all wear this and it smells great on them. I also LOVE Tabu! They get loads of compliments from men and women of ALL AGES! I agree that it smells like Shalimar too.

  • ISADORA10/12/2006

    My boyfriend told me he liked Emeraude when I wore it. Supposedly men like vanilla smells. Emeraude is not complex enough for me, though.

  • SYLVIE08/10/2006

    Hi Jo, congratulations! I like L'Aimant and the stories behind the legendary Coty fragrances. I can buy L'Aimant in Great Britain and in The Netherlands, unfortunately not here in Germany. Yes, I collect legendary "old" and beautiful new fragrances, but I'm not a collector of bottles and boxes. Enjoy your L'Aimant and best wishes, Sylvie.

  • JO08/07/2006

    Hi Sylvie, I noticed by your posts that u and i have similar taste in perfume. I just recently won a vintage bottle of L'aimant. Are you a collector of vintage fragrances?

  • FRAGRANTONE07/26/2006

    I think Emeraude is a good scent, and deserves respect for it's place in perfume history, but I much prefer Shalimar. Both have that classic vanilla powdery drydown thing going on, but imo Guerlain did it better than Coty.

  • LIN06/26/2006

    I love the memories scent brings. My grandmother wore Coty's L'Origan from at least 1933 through 1998 when she died. What wonderful memories! Memories of my mother's getting ready to go out with my dad are the scents Windsong and Moon Drops by Revlon. I can't locate the latter anywhere.

  • MEGAN06/20/2006

    This smells like a cheapo (poor woman's) version" of Shalimar. I find the fragrance cheap and cloying.

  • COMMENTATOR04/12/2006

    My friend got this as a high school gradaution gift. I asked her what the ill fragarance was and she told me Emeraude. It is rude and repulsive.

  • PERFUMELOVER02/07/2006

    A lot of girls wore Emeraude in the 60's, I preferred L'Origan by Coty, which is still available online.

  • LASSIE01/25/2006

    This was re-formulated and cheapened down, I swear it was. It is like being buried under a dump truck load of baby powder, cloying, no, suffocating! and sweetsweetsweet. A travesty.

  • MAGGIE11/27/2005

    Poor woman's Shalimar but without the depth. Not bad for the $ but not my type. It DOES linger forEVER so users please use a light hand.

  • GRETCHEN10/15/2005

    I decided to try this one since it seems to have a devoted following-- but my body chemistry doesn't synch with Emeraude- it smelled sour on me. I'm not going to knock it- I'm sure it smells great on others- more power to you if you can wear it (just please use a light hand out of courtesy to others who share your breathing space). Thanks!

  • NEALO09/18/2005

    I remember when I was about 10 years old, one of my sisters thought it would be funny to spray some of this on me. I swear I could smell the stuff on my skin three days later! It's really rank.

  • MOJO 09/09/2005

    I tried this the other day at Odd Lots it was buried in a bin of other lovely 1 dollar bargins. I thought maybe this stuff had went bad! It smelled horribly of alcohol first off and then dried down to a terrible miserable scent. I thought well this just must be old and put it back in the bin. I could not wash this stench off I swear it took 3 showers and a ton of soap to rid myself of it. But not yet persauded I went to a local Wally Word and seen it displayed there. I thought the other stuff was old and had "changed" as old perfumes do. So I lightly spritz this on my wrist. And OMG it was the same! I would not offer this vile poison to my worst enemy! I really get sick thinking about it.

  • MIMI08/20/2005

    I dont like the smell of emeraude, but my mom loves it. It smells powdery. It smells green to me too. If you like powdery smelling scents, this is the one for you.

  • GRACIE07/14/2005

    This perfume is just skanky. Its cheap smells horrible. There is not one good thing to say about this skank spray. I feel sick when I smell it. The french would say "c'est la plupart de parfum de révolte. Il est pour les marcheurs et les putains bon marché de rue. Il devrait être détruit."

  • SYLVIE - THE COTY FAN06/22/2005

    Sorry Mr. Mellville, as you can see, you have NO CHANCE to destroy our love to Emeraude :-). But unfortunately Emeraude has the power to destroy the love to your grandmother. Take care.

  • SYLVIE AGAIN - A HUGE COTY FAN....06/22/2005

    The legendary, old fashioned and classic Coty fragrances smell wonderful. Emeraude and L'Aimant are unforgettable nostalgic Coty fragrances. I like L'Aimant better than Arpège or Chanel 5. It smells soft, cosy and powdery. My beloved ultra-feminine Emeraude (1921) by Coty smells wonderful delicious and reminds me of Shalimar (Shalimar is a clone...) Francois Coty was one of the first popular and very successful, innovative perfumer. Most of his perfumes were bought in cute Lalique-bottles. He created the legendary oriental fragrance L'Origan (year 1905) and he invented the very first "Chypre" (1917) fragrance. He was/is one of the greatest perfumer in the world. A genius. - This was my lection in perfume-history ;-)

  • TINA05/26/2005

    To Jimmy Melville - I have to admit I get a kick out of your yearly messages, but I must say that Granny's problem is NOT the perfume, but HOW MUCH she is putting on. Emaraude is a lovely fragrance, but any perfume can be overwhelming if applied too heavily. So don't blame the perfume!!!

  • JIMMY MELLVILLE04/14/2005

    She did it again! Granny got in the car reeking of her new favorite perfume Pleasures mixed with Emerude her own concoction. It was deadly and so strong it was unbeliveable! I think she applies with a garden hose. We had to stop at a motel and make her shower and throw her dress away. It was awful.

  • SYLVIE12/14/2004

    "They were works of art, when fragrances were fragrances and not only a money market." Thank you Mamzelle!!! I totally agree:-)))). Emeraude (1921) is one of the worlds very best but underrated fragrances. Shalimar (1925) by Guerlain smells similar and is very popular. Emeraude is a masterpiece by COTY and came out 4 years earlier than Shalimar! Super sexy, inviting, ultra-feminine and cozy. I love both scents very much. Don't judge a perfume by its unexpensive price or "cheap" bottle. Don't let highend-price-fragrances fool you. In the last twenty years I get tons of compliments when wearing Emeraude:-))) I am a very nostalgic woman and an addict of the legendary fragrances.

  • CLEAR12/08/2004

    This was the first perfume I ever bought for my mom. From the drugstore, of course. Could never understand why she didn't wear it, and like a good 8 year old I pestered her about it. Sorry Mom-

  • LISA11/11/2004

    to mamzelle: that was sooo funny what you said about the dirty feet in the hospital...Very true about todays perfumes, you're right. you made me laugh today. Emeraude is nice

  • REBECCA10/17/2004

    I think any perfume made in 1921 and is still selling has become a classic. It's funny how people always say grandma wears this, but if a beautiful woman or celebrity wears it then they all go out to buy it. It does have a deeper smell and not for everyone. I'd rather wear this than the ever so worn out tommy girl. High school was awhile back and there still holding on. Please don't wear the same thing every one else wears!

  • MARILYN10/08/2004


  • DENISE SHANNON08/18/2004

    I agree this crap is vile and it really is dimestore mustard gas! My "Granny" bathes in this toxic venom also. I really love her but can't stand to be near her because of Emerarude. I get physically ill due to it, as she ages her sense of smell must be going because its stronger everytime I see her. I know during our Christmas get together Mom told her "no perfume" of any kind. I hate this gagging stench.

  • MAMZELE05/25/2004

    When really liking a scent but chemistry alters it... buy little purse atomizers [which I always use for perfumes, to pour into from bottles anyway, for purse AND at home], and spray lightly on clothes, not skin. Then you always exude the purest form of any perfume, and it's always on your clothes too, between dry cleanings... sometimes don't even have to re-apply... coats, & things! PS to my previous post... I've worn my later favorites [L'Interdit, Estee, Joy, etc., and never got as many compliments as with Emeraude so don't let these people who hate it because they may associate bad memories with it... influence you. And it should be applied LIGHTLY like all perfumes should. This is a delicious fragrance, and wouldn't be around if that Were not the concensus of most of the world.] Who could possibly NOT like vanilla, powders, or even COCONUTS that someone above [or below] mentioned LOL... doesn't smell like that to me, but for others: It could be worse! Todays scents smell like dirty feet that I smelled in an emergency room once. THere's that undertone with every one of the new rotten scents. The older established ones are unique and do NOT smell like eachother like today's do. THEY were works of art, when fragrances were fragrances and not only a money market. I live in the greatest city in the world [manhattan] and tastes are most sophistocated there and money is rampant, but Emeraude wins out all the time when I wear it to the best places or anyplace!

  • JIMMY MELLVILLE05/25/2004

    I wrote last year about Granny and this god awful poisonus stench. We told her this year not to wear this vile junk on our yearly cartrip. And OMG she wore Cachet it was just as horrible. What is it with old ladies and cheap nasty perfume. I have bought her Beautiful, Bora Bora but Granny will still wear this dimestore mustard gas.

  • MAMZELE05/23/2004

    Beg to differ with Jimmy of the ""YIKES" comment... I have been stopped all my life wearing this perfume having to answer what it IS and where to get it, including the maitre d's in the finest five star Manhattan restaurants who even comment that though similar to Shalimar, THIS is the best smelling fragrance in the world, and better than Shalimar... and even more loved than JOY at $300 per ounce. Jimmy, get a more sophistocated sense of smell, and of life! LOL


    I can remember this scent smelling pretty good on some of my old Aunties, but on me it smells like nail polish and bug spray. Definitely use with caution.

  • ELLEN01/29/2004

    I love this perfume! I've worn it for years (yes, I'm a gramma, but a young one!), and I always get compliments! It smells somewhat "powdery" as opposed to "flowery", but it's better than these newer ones that have formaldehyde in it and cause me migraines! Will stick with it for years to come!

  • CHERYL12/13/2003

    I have worn this fragrance since I was in high school, that's been 22 years. I always get nice compliments on it. It may have been around for many years, but it sure beats any of those "designer" fragrances that are out there. Most of those give me a headache! I'll stick to wearing what I love and that's EMERAUDE!

  • MURKI11/25/2003

    I would suspect your reflex had something to do with the whole bottle being poured out! My mom used to like this when I was a child, and it's got fond memories for me.

  • SYLVIE09/16/2003

    EMERAUDE is really a love or hate scent because it's outstanding and special. WARNING: Don't use to much!!!! It is on the right woman sweet, warm and very sexy. Similar to Guerlain's Shalimar: Oriental and vanillic!!!! I love it very much!!!

  • CHARLOTTE09/07/2003

    I have loved this fragrance forever, both on my mother and myself. My husband also loves it on me, and has purchased more for me. It's a good one to wear to bed!

  • JIMMY MELLVILLE07/29/2003

    I am not trying to be sarcastic, but I almost barfed on a recent car trip and my Grandmother was wearing this fragrance. It was absolutely gagging. She spilled some in her purse and we had to make Granny put her pocketbook in the trunk and I still smell the stench weeks later. My advice don't wear this unless your intentionally want to be avoided and shunned.

  • SYNDE07/12/2003

    Ugh..give this one a break and retire it. This scents time has come and gone plus it was not in my time. Very powdery and cloying if you are younger than 76 don't wear this or you will smell very very dated!

  • SALLY07/08/2003

    When I smell Emeraude I think of old ladies -- hairnets, support hose, and powder blue pantsuits. Not good.

  • DONNA05/14/2003

    I am looking for the roll-on parfume my mother always had. I love this scent as it reminds me of her, and I believe her mother wore it as well. This is at least the 3rd generation to enjoy this awesome fragerance.

  • TIM04/17/2003

    My wife wore Emeraude exclusively while we dated including on our wedding day. Then she tried others and eventually left Emeraude alone. Now, 29 years later, she bought a fresh bottle on a whim and wore it without telling me. I recognized it right away and those early romantic feelings of our dating days blossomed once again! She wears it "lightly" so I must get really close to her to notice it but the memory is stimulated and boy do I get turned on!!! No more need for Viagra...

  • M.J.03/01/2003

    This fragrance reminds me very much of Shalimar. I think both scents are classic and will always appeal to certain people, yet they will always repel others. Most people I know either love them or loathe them, there's usually not much in between. But if you do love Shalimar, and are on a tight budget, you may want to try Emeraude. It's not exactly the same scent (or fabulous bottle) as Shalimar, but it is similar(fragrancewise that is).

  • BRITTNEE02/26/2003

    This one smells like old ladies. Don't get me wrong, I love the elderly and church ladies are usually the sweetest ever. But this one is just way too powerful and aweful smelling. Smells to me like nail polish remover. Very distictive smell. Makes me naucious.

  • BOBBIE02/24/2003

    I have used Emeraude for over 30 years. I have tried thousands of fragrances. I can afford any scrnt I want. I always come back to EMERAUDE. It is just so wonderful.

  • HOLLY01/23/2003

    I have loved the fragance since 1968. I rarely run out. But I need to find the concentrate. Anybody know where I can purchase it?

  • GAIL01/13/2003

    Smell like Shalimar to me.

  • MARGE01/13/2003

    As a teenager, I bought this fragrance after enjoying it on another girl. I wore it for days before I realized that it was the Emeraude that made me smell like a coconut! Needless to say, I gave it away- who wants to smell like a coconut? Body chemistry!

  • BETH12/20/2002

    This is beyond vile.

  • JANESE12/16/2002

    this stuff reeks!!! I think it should be illegal to buy,sell or posess this stuff. Its sickening.

  • ELONA11/10/2002

    In my area Walgreens often carries cachet. Ebay might be another source.

  • TRISH11/06/2002

    that scent is unmistakeable the memories of my maternal relatives is similar


    I got some of this for Christmas when I was about 13 yrs old. The Stuff was disgusting, so bad my dad made my mom pitch it. I smelled it again recently its the empitome of cheap think 50 year old barfly. Oh wait I just described myself, LOL.

  • ELLEN09/24/2002

    Gets compliments every time! Smells wonderful!

  • STEPHANIE08/17/2002

    Yeah, I can see how it might not smell good on other people, but on my grandmother it smelled really good. It's the type of association where I don't even think of it as the perfume itself, you know, but as the smell of my Grandma. Smell is one of our strongest senses and is able to conjure up memories faster than anything else. And that is definitely true. :) Hey does anyone know who makes the perfume Cachet? (I think I am spelling it right) It is what my mother wears, but she doesn't really wear it anymore because it she can't find it anymore. So she just wears it on special occasions. It's weird not smell it on her because she has worn it since before I was born.

  • BETHANY07/10/2002

    Sorry for being so harsh in my evaluation of this perfume. I never did smell anyone who smelled good in it, but then I never met your grandmother :-). Glad this perfume is able to conjure up so many good feelings/memories for you. I feel the same way about my grandfather and the smell of a good cigar...Funny what a scent can do.....

  • STEPHANIE07/05/2002

    If this is the same Emeraude (can't imagine there would be anthor) it is the one that my grandmother wore all my life. The bottle on here is different. The one she had looked like fancier and was totally green. Sometimes I take out the bottle and smell it just to remember my grandmother, who died a few years back. One of the things I wanted was her half-full bottle that she had left when she died. I will never be able to smell this without thinking of her. It smelled so good on her.

  • BETHANY06/24/2002

    I tried this one recently, based on several good comments on this board. I originally tried this one in my teens-It smelled horrible on me then, and it smells horrible on me now.I thought my body chemistry has changed over the years, maybe this will be good now. No Way. Sorry, I honestly cannot stand this fragrance, not just on me, but on anyone. It has a weird, overpowering smell. There is no great mystery about this one (at least not to me). It just smells really bad.

  • CHANTELL06/11/2002

    I tried this in my younger days, very bad smell on me. Powerful, nauseating, strange odor. I've never met anyone this ever smelled good on.

  • MAGGIEMAE02/17/2002

    Never understood the fascination for this fragrance. it smells Awful!

  • LIANE02/11/2002

    I think the only perfume that smells worse is Exclamation.

  • CAROL11/27/2001

    I have been wearing this perfume for over 25 years. My husband of 24 years says only the most beautiful women in the world wear Emeraude. I think he is right!!!

  • KAY10/31/2001

    This is all my mother has worn for as long as I can remember. It isn't my style, but it is beautiful on her.

  • DEBBIE10/19/2001

    This cologne does it all for me! It works fantastically with my body chemistry and my boyfriend loves it! Don't ever change this soft, sweet fragrance!

  • DEBBIE10/19/2001

    This cologne doeas it all for me! It works fantastically with my body chemistry and my boyfriend loves it! Don't ever change this soft, sweet fragrance!

  • CYNDI10/04/2001

    This cologne is not for all. But for those of us for whom it clicks it really clicks. Best for those whose systems do best with a citrus type of cologne. It is absolutely the best of all scents for me.

  • SUSAN08/28/2001

    They still make this? I wore it constantly many years ago and received many many compliments and the price was great. I really hate spending a fortune on fragrance nowadays, however I don' think I would go back to Emeraude. Some things should stay in the past.

  • KARINA08/17/2001

    This is a classic oriental fragrance that smells remarkably like Shalimar-it came out around the same time, too, in the 20's, so the fact that it's been around so long proves its quality! Emeraude is a beautiful and distinctive scent -and don't let the fact that you can buy it in the drugstore fool you-this is a high-end fragrance without a high-end price tag!

  • JEAN07/25/2001

    Just wanted to say that I've used Emeraude for years and have received many compliments - I never grow tired of it, as it is one of my very favorite fragrances.

  • LINDA07/24/2001

    One of the most beautiful fragrances ever! I've gotten compliments and inquiries as to what I'm wearing, many times! I hope Coty never discontinues it!

  • STEPHANIE07/02/2001

    Neither good nor bad...just reminds me of my mother. Definitely not one that I'd wear to bed.

  • JESSICA05/30/2001

    This perfume is horrible. If anyone happens to stumble across this post I advise you, DO NOT buy this perfume unless you want to offend all those around you.

  • NINA05/22/2001

    Worst perfume EVER!

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