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Lady Stetson Coty Image


Lady Stetson   

57 Reviews

Floral, Powdery. Created in 1986, Lady Stetson is a luxurious, gentle, floral fragrance. This feminine scent contains a blend of peach, lily of the valley, rose and is accented with jasmine, amber and musk making Lady Stetson perfect for casual use.

11 ml COL Mini Spray
SKU 11007
¥145.22 ¥87.06
15 ml COL Spray
SKU 8568
¥145.22 ¥65.28
23 ml COL Spray
SKU 14096
¥145.22 ¥145.15
30 ml COL Spray
SKU 9536
¥225.09 ¥152.41
45 ml COL Spray
SKU 11006
¥145.22 ¥108.84
60 ml COL Spray
SKU 2270
¥196.04 ¥123.36
69 ml Dusting Powder
SKU 12604
¥108.91 ¥58.01
120 ml Shower Gel
SKU 7924
¥94.39 ¥72.54
120 ml Body Lotion
SKU 7923
¥108.91 ¥87.06

Floral, Powdery. Created in 1986, Lady Stetson is a luxurious, gentle, floral fragrance. This feminine scent contains a blend of peach, lily of the valley, rose and is accented with jasmine, amber and musk making Lady Stetson perfect for casual use.

  • SARAH07/15/2012

    i have been wearing lady stetson for 30+ years & everytime i leave the house i am complimented on my scent. my husband absolutley loves it. i don't wear anything but this. it puts out a different scent on each individual though...depends on body chemistry i guess.

  • TERESA01/12/2012

    lady stenson is the best perfume ever.while wearing this it makes you fee like a sexy woman..

  • TERESA01/06/2012

    i have been wearing lady stenton for 20 years and i always am told i smell for you who dislike this purfume must be you need to take a shower first because this purfume adjust to your body this stenton

  • JANET B01/02/2011

    Love this. But hard to find. Hope it doesn't go away. Have used for years and years.

  • LORRAINE DALY11/21/2010


  • LISA NEWSOME02/14/2010

    I have been wearing Lady Stetson Cologne for 23 yrs & still Love it. I will not ever wear any other. I get so many compliments & feel like a vibrant Lady when wearing it. It is so fresh smelling. A perfect Cologne to lift your spirits. Love it!!

  • MRS ST 11/30/2009

    I remember when Lady Stetson had a very slight oily feel on the skin when you sprayed was full of oils that made it last a long time, and it smelled better too, way back in the day....of course things change, especially with all of the environmental preservation issues currently...this has affected many perfumes and their formulations....Lady Stetson does smell similar, but it is not EXACTLY the same....the new formula feels different once does not have that feel of "essential fragrance oil goodness" that it once had, this in turn is a true indicator of a formula change that I am certain could not be just goes like that sometimes. At any rate, it is an ok scent, I have smelled better, but I keep a tiny "guilty pleasure" bottle for the memories!

  • CLASSY LADY04/20/2009

    I sprayed LS on at a drugstore after reading an article in a top fashion magazine that listed it as one of the best inexpensive fragrances. I think it's a wonderful little fragrance for the money!

  • DORIS BURK01/26/2009

    I would't wear anything else. Only if I can't get this one.

  • JUDY12/28/2008

    I recieve compliments on a regular bases from both men and women, expressing how good I smell, they want to know what I am wearing. Its the only fragrance I wear now.

  • LUSHSOUP11/26/2008

    This fragrance is positively discussed in relationship to Chanel No. 22 in Perfumes: The Guide, specifically by Tania Sanchez. I find it to be a moderately lasting, floral aldehyde with a soapy base. I'm testing it, and I'd definitely buy it and wear it proudly. I'm not sure why there would be a negative stigma associated with wearing a good fragrance. Not the prettiest bottle for your vanity, granted, but the juice is good. Why not smell it for yourself and leave status out of the equation? It's just fragrance, and a pretty good one at that.

  • DIXIE LANE08/25/2008

    I think Lady Stetson smells like Baby Powder, Cigarette Smoke and Body Odor.

  • DOTTIE08/01/2008

    I love wearing Lady Stetson perfume along with it's body lotion and to use it in a bath. I use to wear Charlie by Revolon but I was at my sister one day and she only had Lady Stetson from that day on I stuck with Lady Stetson

  • ANGELA L. YOUNGER06/03/2008

    Lady Stetson has a very clean and sexy smell. Not over done. It smell's pretty. Like any women should.

  • ANGELA L. YOUNGER06/03/2008

    Lady Stetson has a very clean and sexy smell. Not over done. It smell's pretty. Like any women should.

  • PRUDENCE05/20/2008

    Feeling nostalgic for my teenage days gone by and having ten dollars to burn, I decided to give Lady Stetson a try after receiving a tip on the Internet that Lady Stetson smells rather similar to the discontinued Babe by Faberge (which I adored in high school). But for the record... um... NO. It doesn't. It's nothing like Babe. It's nasty. To be fair, even though I thought it smelled nasty from the moment I opened the bottle, I wanted to like it. I did test it on myself, allowing it time for a proper dry-down. It smelled even more putrid ON me than it did by itself. Needless to say, I won't be wearing this one! My personal collection of perfumes includes both costly AND less expensive scents. Yendi by Robert Capucci is a better match for Babe than Lady Stetson. If you do some checking around, it's possible to purchase Yendi for not THAT much more than the cost of Lady Stetson.


    I get the nicest compliments when I wear this. It comes across as soift soft peach and powder scent. I own and wear several Carons and Guerlains and love them dearly, but you know what garners more "You smell pretty" more than any other scent I have worn? You guessed it- Lady Stetson! What more reason do you need to try it?

  • LASSIE03/19/2008 see if poor lowly Lady Stetson is still being dissed, LOL! I keep trying it, still trying to be objective, still don't care for it. The problem with cheap perfumes is, they all have that bitter-hair-spray artificial undertone to them. Or they smell like baby powder. Or they're really weak (which may be a good thing if they don't smell good.)

  • PICKLES 01/04/2008

    This a quite a peculiar little scent, much like powder and canned ham all rolled into one. I can't say that I like it much as pork products are not kosher. I will have to say no to this little ditty. Its quite disruptive I would say.

  • AIMEE01/01/2008

    I started to try out Lady Stetson after I smelled it on someone else who smelled so good in it--you can't always judge a fragrance by its price!

  • PRINCESS12/25/2007

    Not a good perfume, it smells a bit like diaper wipes and alcohol. Its very demeaning.

  • JANIE11/29/2007

    I have been wearing Lady Stetson for 20 years. I love it and have been told it smells great on me. My fiance loves it but though my mother likes it on me it smells awful on her. Different scent on different people. I just can't find it in Florida. If spending small amounts of money on perfume makes one cheap and have no class well then I just won't have class. Some people are such snobs. It must be nice to have money to blow.

  • LASSIE10/02/2007

    Just checking in on the class warfare going on over this stuff! I tried it again and truly tried to be objective, but while it's OK, I don't think I like it. It's everyone's dream to find that ideal inexpensive scent that still smells-wonderful and makes-you-feel-great, but this just isn't it and I'm still looking.

  • QUEENIE09/13/2007

    I think this perfume smells cheap and I don't mean like you have no class or anything. I mean it smells like a mix of baby powder and some chemical smell. I don't personally like it and my friends don't either. I have many inexpensive perfumes but this one is not very good.

  • VIKKI08/16/2007

    Either a fragrance makes you feel good and you like the way it smells or you don't. Fragrances are supposed to uplift the spirit, and if your friends like it and your significant other likes it, thats great. It doesn't matter how much the fragrance costs. I have $100.00 bottles of perfume and I have $15.00 bottles, what is this with the class issue. There are beautiful inexpensive perfumes as well as expensive ones, no one should judge another on how much they spent for a bottle of perfume, that is shallow. Be happy if a perfume smells great and is $15.00 a bottle that means you have a little more money in your wallet. If I can find a perfume that is inexpensive and it smells like an expensive one, I call that a good day. My Aunt Gerry, owned her own plane, would go shooting with the Chief of Police in Orange County, went on trips to Norway every 2 years. She was wealthy and very classy. She could have been the biggest snob. But she never talked down to anyone, I never heard an unkind word ever from her. She was classy from the word go. She could have worn any fragrance she wanted but she wore that Emeraude all her life. I don't like it, but she did, it made her feel good. The classiest people really don't have to put others down, being a snob doesn't make one better or classier it just makes one a snob.

  • MJ07/12/2007

    One of the first things I noticed about my girlfriend was the way she smelled. Talk about a turn on. When I asked her what fragrance she was wearing I couldn't believe it when she told me it was Lady Stetson. I've always worn very expensive perfumes because I liked the way they smelled on me and I always received compliments. I never thought anything under $20.00 was worth wearing. And although Lady Stetson does not smell good on me it smells great on my girlfriend so I buy it for her to make sure she never runs out. It's her signature scent that drives me wild with passion for her.

  • WATCH OUT!!06/29/2007

    What goes around, comes around. Making fun of poor people and their choice of fragrance (which is all they can afford) is a dangerous thing. I have owned many expensive and inexpensive scents. Sometimes the stinkiest ones cost the most and don't last on the skin. God is not mocked; what we sow, that shall also we reap! There's another verse that refers to mocking the poor is actually mocking their Maker.

  • DEBBIE05/24/2007

    I received a bottle of this wonderful fragrance from my aunt, who, by the way, lives in a million dollar mansion. She has many designer fragrances but has received the most compliments from this "no class" perfume. I love it and I think the hurtful remarks just go to show that those who can afford better are much classier than those that have to pretend to have class. I feel sorry for you!

  • JANESE LAX05/20/2007

    Smells like the first of the month at Save-a-Lot or Aldis when all the Welfare Mom's are out in there finest yard sale apparel spending their foodstamps! NO Class!

  • BLONDIE04/09/2007

    After reading all the snotty remarks about this scent, I have decided to give it a try. I own a large collection of designer scents for which I assure you I paid top dollar. I sampled this not long ago and actually found it quite nice though not the image I usually strive for. Thanks to the snobs on here for showing me how ridiculous it is to turn your nose up at a scent you like because it's not Chanel or Creed. I think this is good stuff actually, and I will own some by the end of the week.Oh, and by the way? I do not live in a mobile home, but I do not put myself above those who do. Thanks, to all you "classy" people for holding up a mirror to me. Good grief, get over it people!

  • TRAILER GIRL03/23/2007

    Some of the posts are ridiculous regarding mobile homes. Being classy isn't about 'where' you live but about 'who' you are. And classy people don't ridicule others because of the scent they choose to wear or because they have chosen to live in a mobile home. These gals need to realize that we all reap what we sow--whether we want to or not! And btw~I wear an expensive fragrance.

  • SEXY KITTEN02/04/2007

    I like this scent...I tried some on in the drugstore and it had a soft, clean sweet smell...fruity with a hint of musk with soapy overtones...I can agree that some of us have bad associations with scents depending on what our experiences are with them...however if I were to do a blindfolded sniff test of this scent I would say that Lady stetson would be for the type of woman who is soft yet active...not for a serious business woman but someone who may be wearing a pretty flowing dress going out to lunch...or a linen peasant style's fresh, innocent but with some depth too.

  • LINDA01/19/2007

    I have been wearing lady stetson for years and always get compliments. But now the stores i purchase it at are no longer carrying it. Do you know why ahnd whnere can i find it now?

  • LS12/27/2006

    I live in a mobile home and wear an Estee Lauder fragrance. Sometimes a mobile home is the only housing a middle class person can afford--and there's nothing wrong with living in one. Mine is beautiful.

  • SERAFEEN10/30/2006

    Soft, warm, kind of "peachy", gentle fresh carnation-like lilt. One of the less $$ perfumes that my husband has liked. Women at work have asked me what I am wearing, because I smell good.

  • GRETCHEN09/17/2006

    I finally bought myself a bottle of Lady Stetson- very clean, soapy, unpretentious and unassuming- just the thing for when I can't decide what scent to put on that day. I have some powder that I bought at Walgreens called "Cashmere Bouquet" that smells a lot like the Lady Steson- so I layer the scent after a shower- perfect after a long day. So instead of "Calgon take me away!" I say "Lady Stetson take me away!". Enjoy!

  • DORIS08/24/2006

    I bought this parfume at my holidays in the U.S. in 1996 and 1998. It is such a beautiful parfume. I am very sad that I can´t buy this one from Germany. Maybe you change that in the future. that would be great.

  • JEAN05/01/2006

    Everyone comments on how good I smell when I wear this, men & women. I like it on me too. Magazine polled best scent based on a quiz, this was mine, after I was already wearing it. I consider this my signature scent.

  • RYAN T04/10/2006

    You know, I have smelled this on a few other ladies whom I work with, I have even considered getting this scent for my wife because I find it attractive. To those who want to knock "trailer trash" well, my wife and I rent an apartment and we do not have the fortunate luck of being able to obtain the million dollar mansion. The snobby ones that lable the "working class" as trash, well, without people like us, where would you be? and from where I'm sitting, all the "glamorous" things you buy cannot hide your own self worthlessness. If you have to kick us "smokey bar trailer trash" around just so you can feel better about yourself, go ahead, we know who you are, and you ain't much.

  • LIZZIE02/12/2006

    I'm with the latest bunch of ladies who wrote in. Fine, classy women wear fine, classy perfume . . . and know that there are some things you never, ever do: you never make someone poor feel ashamed of their lack of money; you never heap scorn and insult on someone just because their taste differs from yours; you never are so clueless as to assume that trailer dwellers are trash; you never denigrate someone's efforts to smell pretty and look nice despite their budget. And no one with half a brain kicks a contender out of their fragrance arsenal because it didn't cost enough! Seesh, get a life.

  • KIM01/23/2006

    This came out when I was a kid and my mom wore it and got compliments from her hair dressers, people at church, I even wore it some in high school and every girl in my class would be asking what was I wearing that smelled so good! I wear alot of expensive colognes too as long as I find them on sale so I understand the need to wear nicer stuff but Lady Stetson can hardly be classified as trailer trash junk! Another favorite cheapie of mine is vanilla fields! It never fails to get me complimented when the expensive ones do! Its like having your cake and eating it too when you can buy perfume and still have plenty of money left over! As the other lady posted, save for retirement!

  • GRETCHEN01/08/2006

    I took a sniff off this at a store a few months ago, I found it very clean and at a nice price. I do, have encountered other rude, tasteless comments from others who think they have to spend a lot to smell good. It's all in your body chemistry and how you wear the scent. People need to leave their assumptions elsewhere. People with class respectfully disagree- not malign where someone lives!

  • KATHY11/29/2005

    Such rudeness is uncalled for. What has living in a trailer got to do with anything? Some one mentioned that even the men's colonge stinks. I know that isn't true. Years back I was at a barbeque, not in a trailer park by the way, and this man was walking in front of me leaving this clean, heavenly scent. I aksed him what he was wearing and he told me Stetson. I purposely followed behind him to smell the trail of his colonge. Are you rude and immature girls sure that you just aren't smelling your bad breath blowing back in your face???

  • TAMMY11/21/2005

    Fragrance is subjective and some of the comments made here have been rude and insulting. I lived with my parents in a trailer when I was a child and I can assure the snobs - perfume and otherwise - that there are many decent, hardworking people who live in trailers. Maybe a lot of folks living in trailers don't have much money, but at least they aren't dumb enough to be paying the outrageously ridiculous amounts of money some of you are paying for what is the equivalent of scented alcohol! I find Lady Stetson to be a very pretty and feminine scent. It's low cost is icing on the cake to me. So, while some of you will be working past retirement for the "privilege" of wearing expensive designer fragrances, etc., I'll be enjoying the good life in retirement because I was smart enough to buy a less expensive fragrance and put the rest in my Roth IRA!!

  • MRS. LEIGH10/12/2005

    This is a scent I have tried and recall with good feelings.. I enjoy some animal flowery oriental and chypers-that sort of thing.. I have favorites by Chanel, Dior and Givency..and while it is true it won;t have some of the deoth of say an is not that far from a Cafe by Cofci by any stretch. Frankly, this is evena slightly complex performer compared to lots of the one note fragrances out there, the less costly one notes I mean.. I was very sorry to see comments mocking this lovely womanly scent, just because of rumors and mean talk and someone strating a not needed bad rep. I think it is actually an amzing buy for the money, and I don't "smoke" and have not lived in a trailer park, though I am sure there are decent and stylish souls who may..maybe they, like this scent, should be given a chance?:)

  • SUSANNA04/07/2005

    I found a little bottle of this for $5.00 at the drugstore. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I got the Cologne Spray so it's a little bit lighter. Anyway, it's gorgeous. No, it's not my Coco, or my Must de Cartier or even my Ivoire, but it's not terrible. But then again, I've never known anyone to bathe in this stuff, and I can't recall the last time I was in a trailer park to begin with. I would purchase this again. This is a clean warm floral that eventually has a soapy type drydown. It won't be my favorite, but it's a contender.

  • Is there nothing I can say Nothing I can do To change your mind I?m so in love with you You?re too deep in You can?t get out You?re just a poor girl in a rich man?s house Yeah, baby, I?m crying over you Don?t you know promises were never made to keep? Just like the night, dissolve in sleep I?ll be your savior, steadfast and true I?ll come to your emotional rescue I?ll come to your emotional rescue Yeah, the other night, crying Crying baby, yeah I?m crying Yeah I?m like a child baby I?m like a child baby Child yeah, I?m like a child, like a child Like a child You think you?re one of a special breed You think that you?re his pet pekinese I?ll be your savior, steadfast and true I?ll come to your emotional rescue I?ll come to your emotional rescue I was dreaming last night Last night I was dreaming How you?d be mine, but I was crying Like a child, yeah, I was crying Crying like a child You will be mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, all mine You could be mine, could be mine Be mine, all mine I come to you, so silent in the night So stealthy, so animal quiet I?ll be your savior, steadfast and true I?ll come to your emotional rescue I?ll come to your emotional rescue Yeah, you should be mine, mine, whew Yes, you could be mine Tonight and every night I will be your knight in shining armour Coming to your emotional rescue You will be mine, you will be mine, all mine You will be mine, you will be mine, all mine I will be your knight in shining armour Riding across the desert with a fine arab charger

  • VONNI03/20/2005

    An office tech at my job wears this fragrance daily. While I dislike this fragrance, I think some of the reviews of it have been a tad too harsh. It does have a drugstore feel because the alcohol content is very high. It’s very inexpensive and I admit that a certain segment of people who live in trailers really Do tend to like this one. But it’s not a horrendously offensive scent.


    The subject explains it all! I smell it on my boss at hocking college it reeeks!

  • MARIAN MISHLER12/18/2004

    Recently I received some Lady Stetson as a gift. I have used this product for years, but this bottle has changed it's fragrance so much it actually stinks and I will not use it WHAT DID YOU DO AND WHY!!

  • DENISE08/18/2004

    This is another example of a dime-store delight. This stuff is nasty! This old lady who chain smokes ufiltered cigarettes and drinks bourbon her old knit slacks dirty stinky old keds and her coke bottle glasses and then imagine her douced in this crud.


    This fragrance must require a certain body chemistry to wear well. On my cousin, a classy lady who neither smokes, drinks, nor lives in a trailer, this scent smells great. Her chemistry makes a total disaster of yummies like Dolce Vita and Boucheron, though. I kinda like it. Kind of a cross between Norell and Red Jeans or America.

  • BOBBIE11/17/2003

    this is the smell that makes my man wild for 30 years,so all you young girls need to be real careful with this stuff. This just might be some kind of a love potion....

  • PERFUMENUT'7811/04/2003

    Used to wear this-is a nice scent for a cheaper perfume.

  • LISA09/12/2003

    I remember this scent when it first came out and it works well w/ on my skin...powdery and nice. Strong though!

  • MEGAN07/21/2003


  • SAL05/18/2003

    "gag a maggot". This stuff is notable for being mentioned in the tv show "Northern Exposure" - Shelley wore it to entice Holling.

  • BRITTNEE02/26/2003

    This stench is aweful! Even the men's version is terrible. Every person I smell this on is carrying a cigarrete in one hand, beer in another, and has 10 barefoot kids following behind.

  • CATHERINE RYAN12/10/2002

    This Scent is the best. It may not be for you but it says me. I get compliments every day on how good I smell

  • DENISE09/23/2002

    I can't imagine a real lady wearing this...

  • MAXINE M.08/28/2002

    In a youthful attempt to save money I purchased this perfume to give myself that "sophisticated woman" smell. Oh,the memories. Oh, the stench. This is one of those perfumes that says "I am a cheap dime store perfume" from the very beginning. I was never a good liar, thus no amount of lying to myself could convince me that this was an even decent perfume. Please skip, nothing about this perfume is good. It smells extremely unpleasant. And no, the dry down in not worth it. This is a product unworthy of Coty-which has won many awards. I believe it won the Fifi Award with both April Fields and Vanilla Fields. I ended up throwing Lady Stetson in the garbage after just 2 days. She was no Lady ;-)

  • A.06/03/2002

    As far as cheap scents go, this one has some nice elements. Powder in the drydown is what makes it worth getting if you need perfume but have little to spend. Use sparingly.

  • L.05/27/2002

    "trailer trash" more strongly than Lady Stetson? Perhaps Stetson for men.... however, those in the know will agree that this stuff is not fit to spray on your dog after a trip to the groomer's, much less yourself. UGH!Avoid it like the plague!

  • GTHANG04/11/2002

    LS smells okay, you just have to go easy on it, otherwise it's way too much. great price though....

  • AIMEE12/20/2001

    Spicy; soap-on-a-rope; citrus; vanilla. One of the best 'drugstore' scents.

  • H.10/31/2001

    Price doesn't mean anything here. This is a very nice scent.

  • STEPHANIE09/05/2001

    This was given to me as a gift one time, and though it never did much for me I wore it now and then. Funny how the men seemed to like it better than I did! Not bad for the price I guess.

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