The sparkling signature of this scent personifies its creator. Chic enough to be worn to the hottest clubs, it also possesses a feminine, flirtatious charm. And for those who want to leave nothing to chance, a "secret" ingredient has been blended into this magic potion - one that's guaranteed to enhance the wearer's allure. Notes include Frozen more
Gift Set - 100 ml EDP Spray + 90 ml Body Lotion + 5 ml Shimmering Powder
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Gift Set - 100 ml EDP Spray + 90 ml Body Lotion + 90 ml Shower Gel + 10 ml EDP Mini Spray
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100 ml EDP Spray
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The sparkling signature of this scent personifies its creator. Chic enough to be worn to the hottest clubs, it also possesses a feminine, flirtatious charm. And for those who want to leave nothing to chance, a "secret" ingredient has been blended into this magic potion - one that's guaranteed to enhance the wearer's allure. Notes include Frozen Apple, Peach Nectar, Wet Ozone, Sparkling Muguet, Freesia, Mimosa, Jasmine, Tuberose, Skin Musk, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Oakmoss, Pheromone.
I love the perfume it blends well with my chemistry, its not over bearing, once I spray it on I don't smell it on me but every body complements me on the fragrance. I love it!
This stuff is a light sweet smell. I really like it. i like it better than the one called just me the hot pink one. It stays all day on me, which perfum doesnt last that long on me.
I love all the Paris Hilton scents. She's a godess of her own and i want everything by her!! Good job, Paris and I love the perfume!!
This perfume is surprisingly wonderful! I cant get over how nice and fresh it is and it last and last all day.
I just wanna say all perfumes of yours are good
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this fragrance. I am a guy and i wear the women's. I get compliments from both men & women when I wear it. And the bottle is pretty.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this fragrance. I am a guy and i wear the women's. I get compliments from both men & women when I wear it. And the bottle is pretty.
I don't know if any of u remember Breck Shampoos?? But Brect & Ralph smell exactly the same..sweet n fruity..this one also smells JUST exactly the same...only paris's perfume is more on the shampooey Breck side..vs. Ralphs fruittttyyyy fragrance. I like and have owned Ralph, but am not sure about this one..its quite sweet...Heiress is much cleaner and a wowzer! it smells aweeeesomeeee (heiress that is) hilton just smells shampoo..thats on the sweet side.
I love this frag but it wasn't exciting on me............Today on a whim I tried Paris Hilton for women together with Paris Hilton for men. Scrumptuous!! still going strong five hours later. Try it for yourselves.
I bought it today and think it's a pretty smell. Smells fresh and clean to me, and seems to be a good blend of flowers and citrus.
I bought it today and think it's a pretty smell. Smells fresh and clean to me, and seems to be a good blend of flowers and citrus.
i dont even wear perfume but until i smelled her perfume im just so in love with that smell
I like this Paris Hilton fragrance it smells just like frozen apple and it is long lasting! Something about it makes me want to keep buying it! Maybe the phermones? It is alluring!
I just got this and i like it alot! it doesn't last on skin however it will last for days spayed on clothes! Such a yummy frozen apple scent!
I got this one and I do like the scent smells like frozen apples,but the scent is kind of strong when first applied but when I got home from the store I couldn't smellit at all! Lasts a little while on clothing but all in all not worth a purchase. Try Versace Red Jeans In my opinion they smell similar you might think I am crazy but compare the 2 they are alike.
Disappointed when I first tried it because I thought the smell faded too fast. But, now I am addicted because it brings out your own smells of your body. That is the secret ingredient.
wore this for the first time to work today and a colleague commented on it. She said it was lovley! I wear quite a few and not many people comment if any! She asked me if i'd washed my hair as it smells so nice. Such a reasonable price too.
i bought it today,it has the smell of ralph,but i little stronger and it fades out to something a little more alluring and feminine than ralph,but i'll say the smell is exactly ralph,i was a little disappointed in that,but the lasting power is excellent,even after a bath the faint smell of perfume lingers.i like it.
This perfume smells nice but does not last long at all. Within an hour you can no longer smell the scent. I just bought it and it is halfway empty. I will not buy this again.
This fragrance is so good that you wouldent even believe it! A well done celebrity fragrance. I always try to not buy celebrity fragrance's-because i want to be sophisticated and "adult" but I cant help it! I really looooove this fragrance it's so beautiful. It's flowery and fruity. Most flowery. And it even contains Pheromone! It's the one and only best from her, the other one's Just me and Heiress I dont like. But I really wish that I had the gift set, usally I dont care about showergel and bodylotion - but I want those. But in Norway they dont have it :( Anyway - buy it people!
I got this as a gift and was sure i wouldnt like it but i wore it anyway, well the compliments! i was getting complemented all day (was at a high class luncheon) and mind you the ladies that were complimenting me were not the type to even look at this type of fragrance (real fragrance snobs) when told it was Paris Hilton i was wearing one thought i wasnt telling the truth (she thought i didnt wanna reveal my fragrance) so there you go its really not bad at all, i like it.
Destined to be a classic. It's beautiful, fresh, not cloying & yet it's sweet. It's everything I had hoped Creed's "Spring Flower" would be. This one rates right up in my top five. Why spend hundreds of dollars to smell like a million bucks when this is out there? Don't care much for the other Paris creations, but this first one gets ten stars from me.
well i got to say i love it. its better than any other purfumee i have ever had and paris hilton is my idol lol so good job she makes a good purfumee so i can smell just like er xx
Honestly, I was very skeptical about purchasing this perfume, just 'cause it's Paris Hilton (she annoys me). But seriously, I too was very surprised to find that it smells so nice and fresh. It is perfect for everyday perfume, not too strong and not mild. To me it is just I have made it my daytime perfume because it is just right for work, no overpowering.
Both this and Just Me are pleasant enough (I like this version better), but they're not original or ground-breaking. I wouldn't buy either of them, but I wouldn't mind smelling them on others. They have the same character as some of Cartier's scents.
I absolutely adore this perfume it smell soooooooooo good and luckily I recieved it 4 Christmas..Paris this stuff is beast!!!!!!
i like this. at first i was like umm. no. paris? no. not hot. but today i got a deal at a major store (deal). she's rich so the bottle is big. ahahaha. smell? at first dap, strong. but dry down is soft and floral sort of. it's not bad actually. she's rich. rich girls' scent... no. but i think she's a funny gal and i like the simple life. smells not bad. not hating it.
don't know why everyone is comparing it to ralph. i don't thing it smells like ralph. it has a fragrance all of its own. i think it is awsome.
similar to glade home fragrance the pink not so elegant
dont really care for paris hilton but i love the perfume and even the mens smell good alot of complements
Ralph from R.Lauren..the fragance it just a copy of that one... I think the scent its just easy to get..
This is a great fragrance! Kathy's post-- are you from W.V? Maybe you should have your nose checked out. And Jon-- you can't get too much more floral and sweet than this fragrance. I would gather you like the mens fragrance more because you are masculine and not the feminine female girl.
would seriously smell better than this! YUCK! HORRIBLY SICKENING.
My 15 yr. old daughter loves this scent. This is the first real perfume that she has shown enough interest in that she has used up one whole bottle. It is a very pretty smelling girly-girl perfume. It smells wonderful on her. But as a woman of almost 50 it is not a scent I would ever wear. I have no admiration for Paris Hilton, either, but this is a very nice scent and also the bottle is very attractive.
Omg this is the best perfume ever, i have tried all kinds of perfume and it smell terrible on me and i bought this and the fruity smell is the best, my boyfriend just loves it on me, its so sexy !!! I LOVE YA PARIS !!
I think Paris Hilton's purfume smells great. I like it so much i will end up buying more.
This perfume smells rich and classical on me. My coworker said that is smelled wonderful. It also has a touch of sexiness to it...will definetly wear this one for a while.
The men's version is actually more appealing. It smells too chemical like, and not enought floral.
I got this perfume at the mall and it smells absolutley fabulous! I would describe the smell as clean and floral!
I love your sents, Spring is sweet and not too strong. Also drives my husband wild!!!!
I refuse to believe she actually created this, but maybe she had a say in the bottle. I do dislike the way she lives, and that she keeps showing up at events with no panties and flashes her privates constantly. I heard this compared to the debbie gibson scent from the 80's called "electric youth". I don't know how to compare them, but still this is a nice soft scent for everyday. I won't buy it, but I buy a copy of uncut perfume oil that's exactly like it and lasts longer than her version.
To me this perfume is very fruity and sweet. I think it smells just like Rockin Rio by Escada. Thick sweet fruit punch
wow my friend just got this for her birthday and let me tell you. this smells so sexy! i absolutely love it!
this is by faaaaaaaaar THE best perfume in the world! In my opinion no perfume could ever smell better because Paris Hilton already made the best smelling perfume ever and it could'nt even be improved! lol. Even if I were'nt a fan of Paris, I would still loooove this scent, like even if it said "Martha Stuart" or "Michael Jackson" on the bottle i'd still be adicted.
I love it! I just bought some in N.Y. Everyone loved it, and still does. I (cheese)
i like this clone it is one of the best one's i ever smelled she has made it with a nice scent i just like it so much.that's hot for now
I bought this one just before christmas just by sampling it from the store and it was so lovely i bought it the next day. Every where i go, people ask me what it is and everyone is trying to get one but they are hard to get here in Barbados. Most of the time people compliment me on the scent it is sometimes 4 hours or more after i applied it, now i know there is another scent out now, i will definitely try to get it
Hi, I was just wondering what fragrances you actually like? If there are any that is. Personally, I am not a fan of Paris Hilton herself either, but I have to admit that her first fragrance is terrific. I wore it last summer and received so many compliments every time I wore it. And the best part was the fact that a lot of the comments were actually about how naturally fresh and exotic it smelled AND NO ONE at all ever said that it was synthetic smelling at all, and believe me I am very vary of synthetic smelling fragrances - like for example the plasticy smelling 'Be Delicious' by Donna Karen.
Especially the dries down is toooo chemical.. I hope the new "Just Me" will be better than this.. The pheromone is interesting though..
I love this scent! What is the difference in this one and the newer one "Just Me"?! They both have the exact same notes listed in their descriptions. I haven't smelled "Just Me" yet, so if they have the same notes, I'm curious to know where there is a difference in the two scents. This one smells like "Ralph". Someone said "Just ME" smells similar to "Miracle" by Lancome. Any info is appreciated :)
This really does smell just like Ralph by Ralph Lauren. Paris lasts longer though because it's EDP. It's uplifting...a great scent you can wear any time. Love it!
I was determined not to like this perfume just because of the name behind it but it does smell good... but it does not last... after a couple of hours you can only faintly smell it.
I just bought it for my girlfriend..It does smell really good and seems to last long...price is cheap also compared to does smell like another perfume, im juts not sure what...
Yes.I was told it smelt like almonds and yet as you have brought to my attention there is none in it whatsoever!! Oh well it did smell like B.O. on my daughter which is a shame.My only thought is maybe it is the included pheremones that stunk so badly on her. Cheers. Cassie..
Well what can I say but this perfume is (HOT). I like the the fruity smell it excells. I definetly would like it worn by my mate.
Nice clean fragrance, but as the day goes on the scent begins to fade away. I haven't received a compliment yet, I guess its just like Paris, she doen't keep anything around very long.
this perfume smells great. Its feminine, flirty, sexy, and lasts. I'm not a Paris Hilton fan, but I just love this perfume. Its way better than the Britney Spears perfume.
Hi there, I just read your post about Paris Hilton and all at once you've got my attention having mentioned that there is almond in it... However, none of the descriptions I've found ever stated that there is almond in it... Here are the ingredients I've found: INGREDIENTS FREESIA - Prized for its perfumed blooms, the flowers come in a variety of colors to complement their sword shaped leaves. FROZEN APPLE - Adds a sweet, intoxicating aroma. The first frost of the season is captured with the frozen part of this note. MIMOSA - These blooms are often referred to as "powder puffs" because of their close resemblance. A unique fragrance to perfumeries, this is a Brazilian native. MUGUET (LILY OF THE VALLEY) - This sweet essence is difficult to obtain from the natural flower. Perfumers blend jasmine, orange blossom, rose, ylang-ylang and other additives to duplicate it. MUSK - A distinct woody, animal note, musk was originally obtained from the male musk deer of Tibet, China and Nepal. Now it is produced synthetically to create a soft, sensuous, pervasive scent. OAK MOSS - Grown on oak trees, this lichen has an earthy, woody and very natural scent. PEACH NECTAR - This beloved juicy fruit adds a delightful rich aroma to bouquets. PHEROMONE - This is best known for its ability to attract the opposite sex and to give tremendous confidence and sex appeal to the person wearing it! SANDALWOOD - Thirty-year-old trees, primarily grown in India, yield the powdery, balsamic and rich wood tones of this scent. TUBEROSE - This perennial flower is known for its rich sensual, sweet honey-like aroma. WET OZONE - Fresh as the air after a rain, this note complements both fruit and floral scents. YLANG YLANG - Translated as "flower of flowers", these trees are grown in Indonesia, Philippines, Madagascar and Comoros. The jasmine-like and sweet balsamic accents add warmth and grace.
I sprayed some of Paris Hilton on my 10yr old as I had sampled amor amor on my skin. I kept asking her to give me her wrist whilst we were shopping and to my horror it smelt like body odor!I don't know how that could happen on one so young, anyway I will try some again.This time on me as I like the idea of the hint of almond. My daughter always carries perfumes well.
I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet b/c it's actually a x-mas present! I'm actually not a huge Paris fan...but hey i like her perfume, i think it smells great. It has some of those pheromones(sp?) in it and im not sure about that? They talked about it on 20/20 last night and even metioned Paris's perfume! In their little study they actually found the people to be wearing it getting more attention, so i thought that was kinda weird! I guess i'll just have to wait and see!?
I bougth this one for my mom on her birthday, but it made me jelous out of how much attention she got for this perfume. So i bought one for myself as well, but now my friend wants one for Christmas
i smelled it in the store, it was yummy. i got it home and put it on and it didn't mix well with my body chemistry. i even overheard some women talking when i was getting my hair done and they were saying something about how they smelled bug repellent all of a sudden. as i started sniffing to see if i could smell it too, i realized it was me. way embarrassing. i'll send some one the whole bottle i have left. [email protected]
I can't say that I can recall what Ralph smells like, but at the first sniff of this perfume, it put me in mind of Liz Claiborn. I was really impressed and used my sample as sparingly as I could until I bought a bottle. Everyone that smells it on me has complimented the fragrance. Go Paris!!
I got a sample yesterday after smelling it in allure magazine a couple months back. Both perfumes are pretty wearable, no matter what you think about P.H. I like just me more than the first because it's not as fruity soft and more sexy. Kind of more "dressed up". Both remind people of perfumes that have already been made. Just me smells like something, but I can't remember!
Thank you very much for your suggestion and your honest opinion. Since my post a while ago, I've had a chance of smelling 'Just Me' in a magazine and you're absolutely right, it really was not for me/Just Not Me ;). Not bad, just not my style :) Thanks again!
this stuff smells EXACTLY like ralph, just as an earlier message poster, Rock, said. my sister used to wear ralph all of the time. i think both perfumes smell good. they evoke a sense of girly, sporty, fruity fun that is modern and very young. smells wonderful... but on the other hand, pheremone in paris hilton? that's just a bunch of marketing poo-poo. humans don't have any, and wearing this is not going to attract anyone. maybe an animal. but not the kind that lives in men. :-D it's a sexy and funny thought, but not functional. happy sniffing, ladies.
this is my favorite perfume! ive been wearing it since like the week it came out..even if i didn't like paris hilton i would still love this smell.I would'nt wear it though if i were a adult or if you consider yourself a mature woman because well.. its like ralph lauren, leave it for us teens
has any1 tried the new paris hilton fragrence "just me" ? it smells really good it has a musk smell to it..i personaly like her first one better but Just me is ggreat for winter and her old one is perfect for summer
This perfumes' "secret ingredient" truly does work, went out to the club and the men were all on me the whole night!
hi. yes i have smelled her new scent,"just me". i have to say that i liked it very much. it's very soft, and smells a lot like cacharel noa fleur.(which i wear on occasion). i've read some of your other posts, and i think this may be too light for your taste, especially if presence are your top picks. try comptoir sud pacifique's vanille line, if you want to try something new. see ya!!
Is it just me or does this smell exactly like Ralph by Ralph Lauren? I like the smell, and actually if i were to pick between it and Ralph, i'd pick paris hilton, but it's very very similar to ralph.
Hello Paris Hilston lovers, I know that even if we were not crazy about the hairess herself we sort of liked that scent she came out with at the beginning of the year... But I hear that here she goes again with a new one called "Just Me"... So I was wondering if anyone of you have tried it yet and what the thought on it were... For now it's available at Sephora with a descriptions that goes like this: Just Me makes a grand entrance with sparkling top notes that epitomize the high society girl. It exudes a youthful energy that's perfect for wearing day and night. It's trend setting and glamorous with notes that are just the right bouquet for the confident woman Paris has become. A fragrance that turns heads - you will be asked, "What are you wearing?" With a smile, simply reply, "It's Just Me." Notes: Raspberries, Bergamot, Pink Peppercorn, Violet, Lily Of The Valley, Iris, Freesia Petals, White Rose, Climbing Ylang Ylang, Tahitian Vanilla, Egyptian Sandalwood, Multifaceted Skin Musk, Blonde Woods Accord. Style: Trend Setting. Youthful. Sexy. Hmmm to me this does not sound all that interesting but I'll be glad to heat comments from those of you who have tired it... Maya
When I first smelled the fragrance I was very suprised because I loved it. My husband picked it out of several sprayed cards of different scents and only after he chose it did I tell him what it was. I really like the girly, sweet scent. However, after about an hour I can't smell it anymore. I spray a lot on every morning and I have not yet recieved a compliment. So although it smells lovely, I won't buy it again.
I don't know what it is about this fragrance, and men, but, everytime I wear it I am guaranteed to get hit on. My friends think that it is hilarious. It totally blows my mind! Love it!
Tried a sample of this....I thought it was a typical trendy fruity type scent, very boring. I gave the rest of the sample to my 10 year old daughter.
When I heard about this perfum, I didn't think that it was supposed to be so good! Now it's one of my favorites!
I agree with those that this scent is similar to Ralph by RL, but a little different.For me, the Ralph lasts longer, but may be different for different people. I do like this one though.
Mary Kate & Ashley need to take some pointers from Paris Hilton. Every scent from them is funky. This is a great scent. Daytime, everyday wear. Soul for Women by Curve (Liz Claiborne) is a keeper too! Although it's similar to Happy to BE by Clinique, but lighter and fresh.
I'm very impressed, I certainly didn't get it for the name brand. Very light and fun. Love it! I am an ibiza hippie by escada girl, and this will fit nice in my collection.
Hi Priscilla, I see you like some of the same fragrances I like. I wanted to try Roberto Cavalli? and I see that you have already tried it... Could you describe it for me and maybe let me know what other scent it reminds you of.... Many thanks, Maya
Although I do not care for Paris Hilton herself, I do love this perfume. For the moment it is in my list of favorites including Escada - Magneticism, Roberto Cavalli - Roberto Cavalli. Although it does smell similar to Ralph, in my opinion it posesses something with a little more kick. I'm kind of picky and I really do adore this scent.
I'm truly fascinated by the smell of this perfume. but my first reaction to it was the unexplainable clogging at the back of my throat. Don't get me wrong I Love it. It's a Bold and Feminine, pretty smell. It just gives me Heart Burn. wish I could wear it without getting sick. Apart from that the Scent is a Hasbeen. It was wonderful when I first got it. Everyone has it now. It's kinda like what happened with Mens Cool Water,Curve & Crome. Try "PRADA" Eau de parfum People BE Original
I didn't expect it to smell this nice. I bought it as soon as I sampled it. It is not harsh like J-Lo's. (I actually didn't expect this from Paris, but I wish her continued success in future endeavors.)
This has got to be my favorite scent so far, it is just a wonderful product. Not too fruity, not too thats hot. Kudos to u Ms. Hilton :-)
i jsut got paris hilton perfume for my birthday!! cuz i always wanted it! bf says i smell good all the time! lol!!
suck!.... only exists because of the paris hilton name backing it up! can't stand on its own!
love it
I LOVE IT! It's not too strong. Smells great! Lasts long!
It is similar to Ralph - but funny I didn't like Ralph and yet love this one... Just that subtle slight difference between the two makes a world of difference for me... Love to wear it with Ralph sparkly lotion though ;)
I got the whole Paris Hilton set as a Present. the one with the glittery lotion and bath/shower gel.... i really love the smell... soooo goood!!!i luv Paris Hilton!!!
A realy soft, fruity and feminin scent. Love it....have had heaps of compliments!
I bought my bottle from without even smelled it because it's not for sale here in my country yet. I really like the smell, it smells sexy and sweet! I love the bottle too! Too bad it doesn't last long, but I put a bit of the perfume in a little sample, so I can spray it anytime of the day again, to smell wonderful again! ^_^ Really love the Paris perfume!
omg i luv the smell its sooo pretty. all the guys luv it on me!but the only downside is that it doesnt last very long! but the smell makes me buy again and again! im addicted
The Paris Hilton Perfume by Paris Hilton is okay. The scent is kind of musky. It has little lasting power. I have two other friends who use it and love it and I recieved as a gift and there isn't anything fabulous about it. I would prefer something $10 like Shine or Love Spell. Amanda
Okay,I will admit it,I was not even going to try this one because it is from Paris Hilton (sorry Paris) I thought it would smell cheap,I tried it and I absolutly LOVE it,it lasts all day on me,my husband usually does not ever say anything about my perfume,I usually wear a different one every day cause I have so many,but he asked me what I had on and said he loved it,so I have been wearing this one for a while,almost time for a new bottle,also my son who hates perfume loves it also,it is a very nice soft floraly,berryish scent that will last all day,try it I bet you will really like it,and the bottle is very pretty also.
This exquisite fragance is so feminine and sexy any man would love to feel. I went to the cocktail to present the fragance and I felt in love with!. Needs to last a little bit more.
This is ABSOLUTELY one of my fave perfumes,I'm a guy & I luv it it smells gorgeous with a nice floral scent.WOOT > Keep 'em comin' Paris! (luv her too :P)
OKAY,OKAY I was very surprised when i spritz the tester and actually LIKED IT! If you like the light floral scented stuff then you'll LOVE this. It says some of the ingredients are apple,peach,mimosa,ylangylang etc... they blend very well together and smells VERY inviting.
this perfume is exellent!good for the women.what do u girls/women think of this perfume?
exactly smells like Ralf by ralf lauren.. and paris,plz Dont emittate.. INNOVATE!
My boyfriend bought it for me and I love how it smells.
i'm about to get mine by a friend hope i like it~!~! i'll be geting it on tuesday!~!~!~!~!~!
I smelled the Paris Hilton cologne earlier today and all I can say is it smells like a fruit plate. Not just fruit, but an actual fruit plate. I guess I wasn't offended by it, but I don't know if I'd want to wear it ever.
Mmmm...this perfume is delicious and sexy, it has a great balance between being fruity and floral. I don't own this perfume but it's definitely worth a purchase! I now have three favorites; 1) Noa by Cacharel 2) Baby Doll by YSL 3) Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton
I like this one alot. A few months ago, I used the Still from J.lo. That is the good one as well. For this one, siginificant. It made me to do the exchange with the CK Summer. I like the CK summer collection. So fruity and delicious. But Paris takes over it. Luv the smell...make me feel wonderful and sexy.!! Try it gal...u gonna luv it!
Nice sweet summer scent...almost cotton candyish in nature. Fairly good staying power.
I love the scent, it's better than Gucci's Envy me, but after awhile, the scent almost disappears. It's very floral and femanine. I like scents like this that makes a statement. However, the scent needs needs to last long. There's a really good potential to this perfume. I knew a lot of people don't like it just because it's Paris Hilton. Give it a chance, and don't tell people you're wearing Paris Hilton, and they're sure compliment you.
This is a Great Perfume! I love it and when I wear it, I am always asked what I am wearing and am told I smell really good...Thx Paris! Meeshell
It's ok to me, nothing wonderful. A fruity every day scent. I got a sample and it didn't last long at all. Maybe 10 minutes...reminds me of a very weak version of dkny be delicious, or something like that in general. It has pheromones in it, but with all the studies no one really knows how that affects humans. Or if it does at all. Only animals...It's a nice perfume though, light and not too strong.
Was a little surprised at this one. I figured it would be kind of a bold, dramatic fragrance, but I thought it was a weak floral that really didn't have much originality. Not bad, just not what I would expect.
Seems that a little last a ling time!!