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Truth Calvin Klein Image

Calvin Klein


72 Reviews

Created in 2000, Truth for women is a refreshing, oriental, woody fragrance. This feminine scent contains a fresh natural blend of rich woods that react to individual skin chemistry. It is recommended as a daytime fragrance.

4 ml Parfum Mini
SKU 4082
NOK 214.25 NOK 182.01
15% Add To Cart
100 ml EDP Spray
SKU 1947
NOK 599.91 NOK 428.40
29% Add To Cart

Created in 2000, Truth for women is a refreshing, oriental, woody fragrance. This feminine scent contains a fresh natural blend of rich woods that react to individual skin chemistry. It is recommended as a daytime fragrance.

  • MEG01/20/2012

    Truly one of my favorite perfumes ever. People constantly ask "what are you wearing?" Love it!

  • CONNIE10/14/2009

    been a user since 2000,it's my favorite yet,and people ask me what i'm wearing

  • ORCHIDFLWER04/11/2008

    But it obviously didn't work with my chemistry at all. I noticed a few people literally backing away from me when I wore it! It was nice for about 3 minutes..then it transformed into a black cloud. I think some people could wear it well though.

  • ANNIE05/21/2007

    It had a harshness on my skin that I couldn't tolerate. Usually Calvin Kleine fragrances and I get along very well, but Truth was not for me.

  • STEPHANIE01/10/2007

    I love Truth.My brother bought me it for Christmas. Everytime I wear it I get so many people (especially men) asking me what I'm wearing. It is one of my favorites, other then Arden Beauty.

  • *BARBARA W*05/26/2006

    I like this on my co-worker, but on me CK frags smell harsh and synthetic and give me a horrible headache. But, I'll always love Obsession...amber works really well with my body chemistry. Oh well, have fun if you can enjoy this one.

  • RAJUL02/11/2006

    truth is a frgrance that takes you into the woods while they're still damp after a thunder shower ! its such a nature lover's fragrance and brings such quietness with it....... the kind of feeling you feel when you are in the midst of nature and one with it !

  • FROFRO01/14/2006

    I like it. I think it is a very nice fragrance (then again, I like all of Calvin's scents - except for the unisex ones - yuck!). But I only use this as a casual scent - it's more jeans rather than suit, deli counter rather than jewelry department.

  • GOLDTRESSA01/06/2006

    I actually had people back away from me when I had this stuff on. It obviously didn't work for my skin chemistry. Harsh and Cloying. I avoid all CK scents now. They don't work for me.

  • NINA12/21/2005

    I work with 30+ men from blue collar to suits and this fragrance has got me more compliments than some of my more expensive ones. Glad I can still find it here!

  • ASH11/30/2005

    This a great scent. Can be overpowering if you use too much. I used to wear this until, I began using Romance by Ralph Lauren, which I recommend. But I think I am going back to Truth...

  • STEPHANIE09/08/2005

    My brother bought me this for Christmas, and I get so many compliments on this when I wear it. It is one of my favorites. Beleive me guys love this scent!!!

  • JULIE H.08/30/2005

    I love this! I have received so many compliments every time I wear it! The problem is they aren't selling it in the stores so I've been searching the net looking for it. I finally found it and I'm a happy girl again!!

  • VERONICA08/15/2005


  • JACQUELINE05/11/2005

    This is probably my favorite fragrance - Over the years I have tried tons of different scents & always come back to Truth. I usually pair it with Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar spray. I get lots of compliments. It works well w/ my body chemistry!

  • REN02/07/2005

    I always get compliments when I were Truth. Perhaps it just suits my chemistry and personality. Not THE best, but wonderful for casual wear.

  • KSM12/14/2004

    Clean and yet slightly musky too - ironically, I find this fragrance to be the greater 'contradiction' - in a pleasant, soft, soothing way.

  • SHARRIE12/04/2004

    i will not tell a lie i luv truth, truth is awesome, timeless and the body lotion smells delightful

  • JULIE10/25/2004

    A lot of people said that this smells green or grassy... well, I LOVE green and grassy, and Truth on me does NOT smell grassy enough unfortunately!! On me the green note only stays for a minute or so then gets sweet, warm and spicy. Kind of disappointing! I still like this fragrance, but I hate that it changes so much. I will check out the men's version for me since they say it is light and grassy smelling, and I've heard of women wearing it too. I like unisex scents, so I am crossing my fingers...

  • JT10/07/2004

    This fragrance is the exception for me. What I mean is I usually don't like scents in the spicy/oriental category. Too sweet and old ladyish. I usually prefer fruity or green notes, but I do own a small bottle of this as I rarely am in the mood to use it, but like it just enough that I will continue to own it. It seems to me like a winter scent. It is warm and sensual. I like the top notes the best. It's definitely not one of my favorites, but I will probably use it this winter every now and then for a change.

  • JODIE 09/08/2004's okay. I did wear it several years ago but gave it to my coworker who now showers in it. Now it reminds me of a cheap, obnoxious fragrance. I got tired of it too quickly. Not a fragrance that is classic or one that you will continue to go back to.

  • JANY07/09/2004

    It's amazing!Smels so good!

  • KENZIE05/25/2004

    This is one of my favorite scents. I do admit, though, that it fades quickly.

  • ALICIA05/15/2004

    This scent is my favorite by far, and I am a major perfume jumper!

  • KATHY05/07/2004

    Truth happens to react well to my chemistry. I love to wear it for casual siutations.

  • SZARADA03/18/2004

    It is not fresh, light scent ! It is quite heavy and regular oriental containing much sandalwood. Too much for my liking.

  • MARLA02/11/2004

    I love the fragrance of Truth. It's rich yet not overbearing. Just the right combination of all parts.

  • BABA02/09/2004

    Strangely enough, this is a great fragrance to mask the smell of smoke. I have given it to two friends who smoke (in self defense, I dislike the smell of smoke) and it works really well and gives the fragrance an edge rather than smelling like perfume over smoke! Lasts fairly well, but not an all day fragrance.

  • AMANDA02/08/2004

    As many people mentioned here, Truth is very refreshing and reminds me of lush green grass. The problem is that the smell doesn't keep for long at all. After a while it changes into a very flat & even a bit sickening unpleasant one. I wouldn't go as far as Cari who recommends to put it on her dog, but I certainly can understand that! The best way of using it, in my opinion, is to spray onto a paper hankey and place it deep inside my bag. For some reason, the green fresh scent is lasting inside a bag. I would never put it directly on my skin.

  • AVA12/23/2003

    I guess your husband tells you how to dress also. I love the scent and would not think it would be best used on a dog...Just kidding sord of...

  • SHERRY12/19/2003

    It is a strange fragrance, or it just doesn't go with my body chemistry. I really like it on my skin for the first ~2 hrs, it is light and fresh, but then as time goes on it starts changing and gets sweeter and sweeter, by the end of the day there's absolutely nothing left of the first light scent I liked so much, it gets too sweet for me and I just cant stand it anymore.

  • KATHERINE12/04/2003

    I really like Truth. It's the only CK fragrance I like. I've been wearing extremely expensive, hard-to-find scents, and this is wonderful with my body chemistry.

  • LISA09/12/2003

    This fragrance is light but yet spicy...I always get complients on it... it doesn't smell like a lot of other fragrances out there

  • JAYNE07/13/2003

    i get many great things ,said about truth from co workers.

  • KAPHYRA06/06/2003

    It works great with my body chemistry!

  • ANGEL04/08/2003

    This is the one CK fragrance that works with my chemistry. EVERY time I wear it, I get compliments. I also happen to love the stuff - light, fresh, elegant.

  • YVA04/07/2003

    I'd like to know something about Truth body products. I don't like Truth very much, but Truth - Lush is pretty nice and soft. Cari - if your husband sprays your dogs with perfumes that you or he doesn't like - well: "great"!!! :-( Ratings: 3 stars for Truth, 4 for Truth Lush.

  • LINDA03/15/2003

    Okay it is just average not to perfumey but not to light it is nothing special when it comes to how it smells but yet there is something unique about it. Well get a Sample fist.

  • DEBBIE02/11/2003

    smells delicious when smelling from the bottle but on ME personally, it just doesnt work. Both my boys absoulutely hate the scent on me.

  • GABRIELLE02/03/2003

    just wonderful

  • JANET01/10/2003

    fresh & sexy

  • ELMO12/24/2002

    Sensual,Arousal, Refreshening. period.

  • CARI12/20/2002

    My husband is a very detail oriented man. He is one of those guys that knows how to dress and to decorate a house to the T. Well with this in mind... He said that I smelled like an old lady and he gagged. I actually agree with him even though I love green fragrances (I'm a huge fan of Bvgari Au Te Vert, Prescriptives Calyx, and Lancome's Aromatonic). To me this smells like so many other "too strong" perfumes: like the entire fragrance department! Anyway, my husband Andrew desided to spray the Truth on our three dogs, so now the smell is completely and utterly without hope for me. But if you girls want to smell like my dogs more power to ya! (just kidding - sorta).

  • DEE JOH.11/12/2002

    Its alright. Its a little too green and woodsy. It dries down to a more mild fragrance, but it just doesn't give me that sexy, confident "thing" like softer, more feminine fragrances do.

  • ANA MARIA10/30/2002

    Every time I smell it it smells different... Sometimes light and fresh, sometimes too green, sometimes woodsy. All I always remember is a herbal note. In fact, I don't like this herbal note in it.

  • BETHANY10/02/2002

    Very fleeting. At least with my body chemistry. This one smelled absolutely great. Calvin Klein finally has a perfume as "interesting" as one of his commercial ;-) This stuff smelled really good, sweet then earthy, woodsy, very, very good and not your run of the mill fragrance.. I'm glad that I did not buy it immediately though. It just didn't last at all on me, as posted by others. For those with a different body chemistry than mine, if it combines well And stays-you'll have a real winner. Definitely not the kind of perfume you will smell yourself coming and going in....Worth trying.

  • MICHELLE09/27/2002

    I'm here to say something about the difference of opinion here! If you have a higher ph - like me! (maybe you sweat more than other girls and usually fancy musky perfumes) You will probably LOVE this scent!!! It's awesome... mixed with my own chemistry, it creates a musky spice... :)

  • A.08/23/2002

    This scent is light. So light, I barely detected it after 5 minutes. Prior to that it had a fresh, slightly herbal odor. Nothing special.

  • LORRAINE08/15/2002

    this perfume smells like rotten eggs, sorry girls but I can't bear this smell around me, ugh

  • MELH07/29/2002

    Sorry, but it's horrible! My skin has such a nice natural smell! When I put a drop of this it turns to wet dog! It doesn't work both on my skin and on my ex-bossy boss's skin! Unfortunately she went on wearing tons of it. I felt sick! Now everytime I smell it somewhere it reminds me of her! Bleah!

  • SOPHIA07/13/2002

    I was reading somewhere that Truth is a blend of rare woods that is supposed to react to individual body chemistry - hence the name. To be honest, although I understand why lots of people wouldn't like it I was very surprised to read that some of you find it "stinky". To me it smells like the definition of "light". The top notes are pretty and fresh, "meadow" rather than "green-house" florals. Sometimes (on my skin at least) there is nothing following - the perfume just disappears in about an hour, and sometimes it dries down to a warm, woody smell (not at all spicy, maybe a bit powdery). Something you just want to keep smelling... All in all, a great fragrance for daytime, summer and the young and pretty.

  • JENNY06/26/2002

    I smelt this perfume when I was in France on a day trip. I sprayed it on a sampler, and loved it so much I kept the sampler in my handbag for ages! It smells just like fresh cut grass!

  • YANA06/26/2002

    Did you pay attention to fragrace of the nature ... all that is catch in that perfume .. it doesn't matter the name and the logo it matters only the TRUTH

  • CHINA04/25/2002

    I absolutely love Truth! The bamboo, sapling, and patchouli are fantastic on my skin. I cannot wear very florally perfumes--they make me feel sick. This is light and green and smells go good--my Doctor asked me what scent I was wearing! I've never liked any of CK's perfumes on me before, but I love this one!

  • LAURA03/30/2002

    I bought a bottle of this after I found out that my Elizabeth Arden Green Tea had no staying power. I find this scent to be similar, but slightly more distinctive. It also lasts much, much longer! I haven't liked a Calvin scent since Obsession, but this is a great one.

  • XX03/25/2002

    Too green!!! There's something strange in it, it is hard to describe it, but it is not special to me. Don't like it.

  • BARB03/08/2002

    It's a stinker!!!!

  • AR02/28/2002

    my favorite part about truth is its base. after a few hours it settles into a sandalwood/musk fragrance that is sweet, rich, delicious -- so good i could eat it! ;-) it's not too strong or overpowering like other musky/woodsy scents. i've put it on when i go to bed so that i can smell it on my sheets... mmm. i've also received many compliments on it. i have a question for folks. i have the truth soap, and while it doesn't smell exactly like truth, i like it EVEN MORE. i can't figure out what its scent is, tho -- does anyone know? it is so, so good.

  • GINGER02/25/2002


  • MELISSA02/24/2002

    I think this is a wonderful perfume if you have the right body chemistry to wear musky perfumes.

  • ALLI02/20/2002

    Another bomb by Ck! This is hideous it makes me vomit. UGH!

  • SCOUT10002/19/2002

    I love this scent..mmmmm!

  • JULIET02/10/2002

    Tried to like it as it was a gift - could not! Gave it away. Too overpowering wrong mix of scents

  • BARBARA 01/17/2002

    At first I was not sure if I liked it.I had it for a good month before I started to wear it.Now I find I really like it once it settles down!Barbara

  • BETH12/29/2001

    Don't care for this scent one bit.

  • MARRY12/25/2001

    Wow. I work at a hotel & I noticed this lady guest wearing it. I asked her what it was that smelled so good & she told me. Everytime my friends ask me what kind of new perfume they should try I tell them to get Truth by CK. I got the whole gift set today for x-mas from my brother:)

  • PETRINA12/10/2001

    nice scent but a little too strong... the sensual bedtime fragrance is better....lighter....more all over scent without choking...

  • JOLENE12/06/2001

    I don't like it. I have the same problem as Gail does with this fragrance.

  • GAIL12/06/2001

    I don't know, this one has something in it that doesn't agree with me. It's very harsh. Like there's something bitter in it. It gives me a headache.

  • VALERIA11/26/2001

    At first it has a strong green note, but after a while it settle down into a clean, a little bit woody fragrance, with some warmth and sensuality, too. It could be nice for spring! For me it's the best CK's fragrance.

  • BB10/30/2001

    Isn't it boring? There are TONES of very similar green fragrances today!!!

  • VIKI10/12/2001

    In fact, TRUTH is very similar to Nino Cerruti's IMAGE ( and vice-versa). But IMAGE is stronger.It seems that 2000 was the year of green fragrances.

  • DANA09/03/2001

    This scent is fresh and clean with a hint of woodsyness too it..but not too overpowering like other designer fragrances.

  • HRBETTYBOOP08/29/2001


  • MICHELLE08/23/2001

    Sometimes I really love the freshness of this scent, and other times it's way too strong. I can't decide.

  • CATARINA08/23/2001

    Strong bamboo scent. Sweet in the beginning, then it becomes greener. I had to give my bottle away because it makes me nautious.

  • ELISHA07/31/2001

    This is a great fragrance!It is very clean and fresh smelling, but it has warmth to it also

  • KARINA07/30/2001

    I never thought I'd say this about a scent by Calvin Klein (too trendy! too overused!), but this one is really pretty! It's sensual and fresh at the same time, and seems like an easy-to-wear fragrance that would smell good on anyone. The main note, I've heard, is bamboo, which makes it unique. Underlying everything is a base note of musk and incense, which provides sexiness. Definitely a winner!

  • LAUREN M.07/21/2001

    This is an undiscovered secret- I am convinced. Really different- I went to sleep with it in my wrist just to keep smelling it. I ususally hate women's perfumes- but this is Truth!

  • RUBY07/07/2001

    this one is nice. others like it on me too. it's woodsy, like my other favorite, samsara

  • JILL05/13/2001

    I smelled this in the department store recently. It smells wonderful! It's a light, refreshing floral. I think it's far superior to all of Calvin Klein's other fragrances. I really love this stuff!!!

  • MISSY03/16/2001

    This is a GREAT fragrance!!!!!!! I am very picky but this is wonderful!!!

  • LINDA03/10/2001

    This is the best perfume I've found since my last favorite, Il Baccio. Calvin Klein "Truth" is my favorite now. I'm getting constant compliments with this one. Linda

  • LINDA02/09/2001

    I think this is the best perfume that I have found yet!!! I love it, and so does my husband!!!

  • BARBARA11/24/2000

    this is a very nice day wear scent.I really like it.I bought this at a duty free shop at the airport last aug. It was a present for my sister in germany.i liked it so much when I returned I looked in town and on the internet for it.It finally is on the internet now.IT IS ALOT CHEAPER ON THIS SITE THAN ANY OTHER believe me I know!Plus the coupon and you have a fantastic deal.This is one perfume you have to get.Believe me I am telling you the "Truth!!" Barbara W.

  • DIANNE11/09/2000

    Oh, this is such a wonderful fragrance!!!! And it lasts all day without refreshing! I get sooooo many compliments . . .

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